What is the base word for unscathed?
What is the base word for unscathed?
Unscathed is recorded around 1325–75. It’s made up of the prefix un-, meaning “not,” and scathed. Scathed is based on scathe, a verb meaning principally “to criticize harshly” and, in older use, “hurt or harm.” Fun fact: scathe is borrowed from a Scandinavian (Old Norse) word meaning “to hurt.”
How do you use tedious in a sentence?
Tedious sentence example
- It gets tedious , but I get a kick out of doing it that way.
- The production of this is always a tedious task.
- This method is very tedious in detail.
How do you use Chiron in a sentence?
Chiron Sentence Examples During his residence in Thrace he joined the expedition of the Argonauts, whose leader Jason had been informed by Chiron that only by the aid of Orpheus would they be able to pass by the Sirens unscathed.
How do you use Argonaut in a sentence?
Argonaut sentence example She fell in love with Jason the Argonaut , who reached Colchis at this time, and exacted a terrible revenge for his faithlessness (see Argonauts and Jason). One of the best features of the Argonaut Hotel San Francisco is its location.
What does unscathed mean?
: wholly unharmed : not injured.
What is a Scath?
(skeɪð ) or scath (skæθ) verb (transitive) rare. to attack with severe criticism.
What’s an example of tedious?
The definition of tedious is something that is boring and repetitive. An example of tedious is the work that someone does on an assembly line.
Does tedious mean boring?
If something is tedious, it’s boring. If you’re anxious to get outside and enjoy the sun, even the best lecture will seem tedious. Tedious is the adjective from tedium, which is both Latin and English for boredom.
What is the word Chiron mean?
noun. Greek myth a wise and kind centaur who taught many great heroes in their youth, including Achilles, Actaeon, and Jason.
What is a Kyron?
: a caption superimposed over usually the lower part of a video image (as during a news broadcast) I sometimes fantasize about spending the rest of my life studying them.
What does Argonaut literally mean?
1a capitalized : any of a band of heroes sailing with Jason in quest of the Golden Fleece. b : an adventurer engaged in a quest. 2 : paper nautilus.
Does Argonaut mean hero?
The Argonauts (/ˈɑːrɡənɔːt/; Ancient Greek: Ἀργοναῦται, Argonautai, ‘Argo sailors’) were a band of heroes in Greek mythology, who in the years before the Trojan War (around 1300 BC) accompanied Jason to Colchis in his quest to find the Golden Fleece.
How did Orpheus get out of solitary confinement?
However, Orpheus was recently locked into solitary confinement by Lord Hades due to his refusal to sing. His sentence can be revoked by purchasing the Court Musician’s Sentence (which costs one Diamond) from the House Contractor.
How do you get Orpheus out of Hades?
Orpheus is imprisoned by Hades, and to unlock him you’ll need to buy the Court Musician’s Sentence at the House Contractor, costing 1 Diamond. Once you unlock him, he’ll appear in a chair to the right of Hades’ desk.
What happens to Orpheus when you give him nectar?
If given Nectar, Orpheus will give you the Distant Memory. After giving him at least 1 , Orpheus will begin to sing again, citing Zagreus’ determination as inspiration despite the loss of his muse. Thereafter, Orpheus may occasionally be heard singing when Zagreus returns to the House. Orpheus’ affinity gauge is maxed out at 8 hearts.
Which is the best definition of the word unscathed?
Definition of unscathed : wholly unharmed : not injured Can you be scathed instead of unscathed? Example Sentences Learn More about unscathed