
What is MTOM format?

What is MTOM format?

SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) is the use of MIME to optimize the bitstream transmission of SOAP messages that contain significantly large base64Binary elements. The MTOM message format allows bitstream compression of binary data.

What is MTOM attachment?

Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM) provides a way to send binary data to Web Services in standard SOAP messages. MTOM leverages the include mechanism defined by XML Optimized Packaging (XOP) whereby binary data can be sent as a MIME attachment (similar to SOAP with Attachments) to a SOAP message.

What is content type of SOAP messages?

1 Content-Type. The Content-Type header for SOAP requests and responses specifies the MIME type for the message and is always text/xml. It may also specify the character encoding used for the XML body of the HTTP request or response. This follows the text/xml part of the header values.

What is MTOM XOP?

Sending Binary Data Using MTOM/XOP. SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism/XML-binary Optimized Packaging (MTOM/XOP) defines a method for optimizing the transmission of XML data of type xs:base64Binary or xs:hexBinary in SOAP messages.

How do I use MTOM?

Use MTOM to Efficiently Transmit Binary Content in SOAP

  1. POST /ws/documents HTTP/1.1.
  2. Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8.
  3. Content-Length: 400.

Can we send SOAP messages with attachments?

You can send and receive SOAP messages that include binary data (such as PDF files or JPEG images) as attachments. Attachments can be referenced (that is, represented explicitly as message parts in the service interface) or unreferenced (in which arbitrary numbers and types of attachments can be included).

How does MTOM work?

With MTOM, the SOAP messages are sent as MIME messages with the BASE64 encoding being replaced with a placeholder. The binary data is then placed between delimiters (which happens for each piece of binary data), and then placed at the end of the SOAP request. The binary data is then sent unencoded.


SOAP uses WSDL for communication between consumer and provider, whereas REST just uses XML or JSON to send and receive data. WSDL defines contract between client and service and is static by its nature. SOAP describes functions, and types of data.

How is MTOM used to efficiently transmit binary content in soap?

To overcome this issue, MTOM – Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism – has been invented and standardized by the W3C. Instead of providing the binary content as Base64-encoded characters – contained as element text in the SOAP message – a multipart mime format is used, to devide the binary content from the SOAP message.

What’s the difference between MTOM and mime multiparts?

While MTOM describes the abstract feature of optimizing the transmission in SOAP, the concrete implementation using MIME multiparts is kept in a separate specification: XOP, the XML-binary Optimized Packaging. By that it can be used indepently from SOAP for any binary content in XML documents. Therefore you will ofter find the wording MTOM/XOP.

How to use MTOM for streaming in Java?

Again, you can follow the steps and convert your MTOM application into streaming, or checkout the master branch of project. The master provides the final version for you. At first we need a way to provide a streaming interface in our Java classes. The way to do this, is to change the schema a little bit.

Can you use SOAP 1.2 with MTOM 1.0?

Those parts of MTOM specification that are specific to SOAP 1.2-only constructs are not applicable to SOAP 1.1 and thus not applicable to this specification.