
What is in the 5 minute journal?

What is in the 5 minute journal?

Below are the 5 questions contained within The Five Minute Journal and why they work:

  • I am grateful for…
  • What would make today great?
  • Daily affirmation. I am…
  • 3 Amazing things that happened today…
  • How could I have made today even better?

Does the 5 minute journal work?

The Five Minute Journal is popular for a good reason – it’s one of the best guided journals out there. It’s one of the simplest ways that I have found to introduce a daily gratitude practice in my life, and more importantly, to maintain a positive mindset.

Why is it called the five minute journal?

The Five-Minute Journal provides daily guided gratitude exercises and is the perfect tool to hone your ability to focus on the good in life. This journal is designed to get you to elevate yourself, be happier, improve relationships, and shift your mind to state of optimism.

Who invented the five minute journal?

Alex Ikonn
Five Minute Journal—Co-Founder, Alex Ikonn.

Is it better to journal in the morning or at night?

It’s better to journal your thoughts at night rather than in the morning because it helps you to clear your mental palate and sleep better. Studies show it’s better to journal at night because it gives you an outlet for emotions and thoughts that might otherwise keep you awake.

How do you journal your feelings and thoughts?

How to journal

  1. Try to write every day. Set aside a few minutes every day to write.
  2. Make it easy. Keep a pen and paper handy at all times.
  3. Write or draw whatever feels right. Your journal doesn’t need to follow any certain structure.
  4. Use your journal as you see fit. You don’t have to share your journal with anyone.

What is the best time to journal?

Morning is the optimal time of day for stream-of-consciousness daily practice. Your morning brain is fresh. Write your pages before you fill your head with any outside influences. Never read your journal.

What is a Five Year Journal?

A 5-year journal is essentially a journal specifically designed to record personal and memorable events, feelings and thoughts within a period of 5 years. This journal could be a hardback bound notebook, or thanks to technological advances, a digital journal.

Where is the 5 minute Journal printed?

The books are printed in China and take about 2 months to go from China to the United States. Each printing order is between 10,000 and 15,000 copies of The 5 Minute Journal.

Who is intelligent change?

Intelligent Change is a global wellness lifestyle brand based out of London, England. Our elegant, functional, and life-changing products help our customers seamlessly build positive habits without investing years in experimenting and research to achieve the same results.

Does journaling help with anxiety?

Whether you’re dealing with stress from school, burnout from work, an illness, or anxiety, journaling can help in many ways: It can reduce your anxiety. Journaling about your feelings is linked to decreased mental distress.

Is journaling before bed bad?

The study found journaling reduced bedtime worry and stress, increased sleep time, and improved sleep quality. To try the technique used in the study, set aside 15 minutes each night for writing about a recent positive experience. Write about not only what happened, but also how you felt at the time.

Where did the five minute journal come from?

The Five Minute Journal is created with leading positive psychology research. The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Davis launched a multi-year project expanding the science and practice of gratitude.

What kind of business are the Ikonns in?

We are serial entrepreneurs specializing in eCommerce businesses and scaling them through social media. We’ve created great global brands like Luxy Hair that have more than 250,000 customers around the world and created life-changing products like the Five Minute Journal that has sold more than 500,000 copies.

Which is the most effective five minute journal?

The Five Minute Journal – Simplest, most effective way to be happier. – Intelligent Change Based on positive psychology research. The journal you’ll actually stick with. Elevate yourself. Be happier. Improve relationships. Shift your mind to state of optimism.

Who are the hosts of the Ikonns podcast?

Create and live your dream life with the Ikonns Podcast. We are Alex and Mimi Ikonn. …… We created The Ikonns podcast to help you create and live your dream life.
