
What is fibula hemimelia?

What is fibula hemimelia?

Definition. Fibular hemimelia is a congenital longitudinal limb deficiency characterized by complete or partial absence of the fibula bone.

What causes fibula hemimelia?

The exact cause of fibular hemimelia is unknown. A spontaneous genetic error occurs during limb bud development. This growth abnormality occurs during the development of the lower limb bud at six to eight weeks after conception.

What causes hemimelia?

Tibial hemimelia often occurs alongside other birth defects, such as Werner’s syndrome, thumb syndrome, CHARGE syndrome and others. The condition can be related to genetic abnormalities that can be passed along from parents to children.

Is fibular Hemimelia a disease?

Fibular hemimelia is a birth defect where part or all of the fibular bone is missing, as well as associated limb length discrepancy, foot deformities, and knee deformities. Fibular hemimelia (FH) is a very rare disorder, occurring in only 1 in 40,000 births.

Can you live without a fibula?

The fibular bone runs on the outside of the leg from the knee joint to the ankle joint. It is a small thin bone that can be entirely removed without affecting your ability to bear weight.

Can you walk without your fibula?

The fibula can be removed without impacting the individual’s ability to walk or bear weight. Conditions that cause bony defects where fibula bone can be used in repair: Cancer damage to the bone. Injuries to bone.

What happens if you don’t have a fibula?

Because the shinbone is short or missing, the ankle joint may not form as it should. The ankle and foot might look different from normal. The child’s knee and lower leg might bend inward. The child’s lower leg may bow out.

How rare is tibial Hemimelia?

Tibial hemimelia (also known as tibial deficiency) is a condition in which a child is born with a tibia (shinbone) that is shorter than normal or missing altogether. This creates a difference in the length of the child’s legs. The condition is extremely rare, occurring in only about one out of every one million births.

How can someone with fibular Hemimelia be affected throughout life?

Some children with fibular hemimelia have very mild limb length difference and need very little treatment. Others have a large limb length difference and unstable joints. When a child has fibular hemimelia, the leg may not grow as fast or as long as it should. Kids might have trouble standing or walking.

Can you remove fibula and still walk?

In the long term removing the fibular bone should produce no problems in walking. You will be on bed rest for a day or two after surgery.

Can you still walk with a broken fibula?

An isolated fibula fracture can, in some circumstances, be considered like a bad ankle sprain.” Because the fibula is not a weight-bearing bone, your doctor might allow you walk as the injury recovers.