
What is encaustic paint used for?

What is encaustic paint used for?

Encaustic painting, also known as hot wax painting, involves using heated encaustic medium to which colored pigments have been added for creating artworks. Molten medium is applied to a surface—usually prepared wood, though canvas and other materials are sometimes used.

Why is encaustic used?

The use of encaustic on panels rivaled the use of tempera in what are the earliest known portable easel paintings. Tempera was a faster, cheaper process. Encaustic was a slow, difficult technique, but the paint could be built up in relief, and the wax gave a rich optical effect to the pigment.

What is encaustic medium used for?

Adding damar resin allows wax to be buffed to R&F Encaustic Medium is recommended to form transparencies and extend paints. It is encaustic paint without pigment. Created with the same pure, mechanically filtered beeswax and dammar resin as R&F Encaustic Paints, it maintains film hardness.

Can you use a regular iron for encaustic?

Domestic electric irons are easy to come by and can offer good quality tools for working encaustic wax, especially for larger areas of wax application, where a smaller iron or tool will lose too much heat to the support as it moves over the large areas.

What is an encaustic iron?

The encaustic art painting iron is the tool that makes instant effects based artwork easily accessible to everyone. It operates like a large heated pallet knife or wax applicator. Cleaning with soft tissue is easy whilst the iron is still warm.

What are the disadvantages of using paint?

The cons. Its colour becomes darker when dry, so the colour you paint with isn’t necessarily what you’ll end up with. It’s fast-drying, meaning you need to work quickly. It’s hard to remove from brushes, nails or clothing once dried.

How old is encaustic?

Encaustic painting was practiced by Greek artists as far back as the 5th century B.C. Most of our knowledge of this early use comes from the Roman historian Pliny the Elder whose Natural History, written in the 1st century A.D., was a monumental encyclopedia of art and science.

What are the six major painting mediums?

There are six major painting mediums, each with specific individual characteristics:

  • Encaustic.
  • Tempera.
  • Fresco.
  • Oil.
  • Acrylic.
  • Watercolor.

How do you do encaustic painting with crayons?


  1. Warm the griddle –low or medium heat generally works well.
  2. Lay the paper onto the warm griddle.
  3. Draw slowly with unwrapped crayons onto the warm paper. As you draw, the crayons will melt to create a wax image.
  4. You can also “draw” by feeding the unwrapped crayons into a low temp glue gun.

What is a disadvantage of using oil paint?

The main disadvantage of oil-based paint is the strong odour, which is quite invasive, and the paint does take significantly longer to dry, so care is required with any dusty work, and ensuring that nothing is likely to make contact with the wet surface.

What’s the best way to make an encaustic?

Dipping – works well for fibre-based, absorbent collage items such as paper or cloth. Try dipping the collage item into a pot of molten wax, then use an iron to flatten and fuse it into your painting. Drawings – add your own sketches to encaustic using tissue paper.

Which is the best book for encaustic art?

Encaustic Art The Complete Guide to Creating Fine Art with Wax by Lissa Rankin If you are new to encaustic art, start with this book! It covers all of basics Painting photographs with encaustic opens up another whole world of possibilities! Photographers can take their art to a new level adding more interest and texture to their pictures.

How is encaustic wax used in mixed media?

Encaustic is an ideal medium for assemblage, mixed media, collage painting. Encaustic wax can both preserve and adhere collage elements to artwork. 5 Rules for Encaustic Collage / Mixed Media

Can you come back to an encaustic painting?

You can come back to a painting years later, fuse it and start to paint again. It is all too easy as a beginner to encaustic painting to over fuse or scrape too hard or too soon into soft wax and ruin what you had. Practice does help an artist develop a skill with the medium and tools.