What is din 2093?
What is din 2093?
Classification according to EN 16983 (DIN 2093) Standard EN 16983 (DIN 2093) disc springs are classified into 3 groups: Group 1: Disc thickness, t, less than 1.25 mm (Manufactured without contact surfaces) Group 2: Disc thickness, t, from 1.25 mm to 6 mm (Manufactured without contact surfaces)
How is Belleville spring force calculated?
The force produced by a h/t = 1.414 ratio Belleville spring is within ± 10% of the force to flat value for deflections of 55% to 145% of the deflection to flat. This is a useful characteristic if a nearly constant force is required over this range of deflection.
How to select disc spring?
For static, or dynamic applications, select a disc spring that at 75% of its total available deflection offers the maximum force and/or deflection required. Between 75% deflected and the ‘flattened’ position, the actual force/stress characteristics become considerably greater than those calculated.
How do Belleville springs work?
How Belleville Washers Work. The purpose of a Belleville washer is to absorb loads by acting as a spring. When a load is applied a Belleville washer, the washer compresses. At the same time, the Belleville washer exerts an equal amount of force against the object.
Which is the correct name for disc spring DIN 2093?
In the case of springs produced by turning (G): Conical disc spring DIN 2093 — In the case of springs produced by stamping (F): Conical disc spring DIN 2093 — 170 A 40 G A 40 F
When was DIN 2093 incorporated into European standard?
In this context we cite the following from the DIN EN 16984 und DIN EN 16983: the German standard DIN 2093:2013-12 has been incorporated into a European standard with an unchanged technical content.“ the documentation has been incorporated into a European standard with an unchanged technical content.“
How to calculate spring load in DIN 2093?
In the case of springs with ground ends (cf. group 3 in clause 4), the desired spring load, F (where s is equal to approximately 075 ho), is to be obtained by reducing the thickness of single discs, t, which then gives the value r.
How big is a DIN EN 16983 disc spring?
SPIROLoffers the full range of DIN EN 16983 (formerly DIN 2093) Group 1 and 2 Disc Springs in Series A, B, and C. DIN EN 16983 RANGE (formerly DIN 2093) SPIROL STANDARD RANGE In addition to the DIN specified sizes, SPIROL stocks its own standard size range in outside diameters from 8mm to 200mm in order to meet the diverse needs of its customers.