
What is CI number in dyes?

What is CI number in dyes?

The colour index numbers are 5-digit numbers grouped into numerical ranges according to the chemical structure.

What is Colour index in dyes?

The Colour Index™ describes the essential colorant of a dye or pigment by application class and chemical class. Assigning a relevant CIGN and CICN allows identification by a world recognised system.

How do you read index color?

The smaller the color index, the more blue (or hotter) the object is. Conversely, the larger the color index, the more red (or cooler) the object is. This is a consequence of the logarithmic magnitude scale, in which brighter objects have smaller (more negative) magnitudes than dimmer ones.

What is Colour index in physiology?

: a figure that represents the ratio of the amount of hemoglobin to the number of red cells in a given volume of blood and that is a measure of the normality of the hemoglobin content of the individual cells.

What are the names of the CI numbers?

CI Number. Japanese name. FDA name. Color Index name. C.I. 10020. Green No.401. (EXT.D & C Green No.1) Acid Green 1. C.I. 10316.

How many numbers are in the Colour Index?

The colour index numbers are 5-digit numbers grouped into numerical ranges according to the chemical structure. ^ “American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists”. Colour Index International.

What are the C i numbers for oil paints?

PB 15:3 Color Index numbers (C. I. Numbers) and commercial artists oil paints. A color chart and list of good, bad and uncertain pigments with notes on the most used commercial tube colors from various popular brands. Color Index numbers (C. I. Numbers) and commercial artists oil paints.

What are the C i numbers for Blue?

Oxides of cobolt and tin. Very expensive. Weak tinting strength. Medium dryer. 120-140% oil. Because of the high oil content it should only be ground in low-yellowing oils like alkyd, poppy or walnut. This is a strikingly beautiful blue and may seem hard to emulate.