
What is a person doing when they are surmising?

What is a person doing when they are surmising?

To surmise is to form an opinion or make a guess about something. If you surmise that something is true, you don’t have much evidence or knowledge about it. Near synonyms are guess, conjecture, and suppose.

What does Sermised mean?

1. to think or infer without certain or strong evidence; conjecture; guess. 2. to conjecture or guess. n. 3. an idea or thought of something as being possible or likely; conjecture.

How do you use surmise in a sentence?

Surmise sentence example

  1. His surmise was correct.
  2. The surmise was too hopeful.
  3. He had, however, the courage to act up to his own professions in collocating the rollers (Coracias) with the beeeaters (Merops), and had the sagacity to surmise that Menura was not a Gallinaceous bird.

Is there such a word as surmise?

verb (used with object), sur·mised, sur·mis·ing. to think or infer without certain or strong evidence; conjecture; guess.

What is the meaning of the word’surmised’?

Also found in: Thesaurus. 1. To make a judgment about (something) without sufficient evidence; guess: “In another pocket he came across what he surmised in the dark were pennies, erroneously, however, as it turned out” (James Joyce). 2. To say (something) as a guess or conjecture. To make a guess or conjecture. n.

Which is an example of the use of surmise?

Surmise is defined as to guess. An example of to surmise is to guess the answer on a test. YourDictionary definition and usage example.

Is the surmise of the researchers turned out to be correct?

‘The surmise of the researchers turned out to be correct.’ ‘As he pulled the material away he could see his surmise was correct.’ ‘My surmise is that anyone who has a patent to prosecute will hold off until the European software patent decision is made.’

When do you use the word’sur’in a sentence?

verb (used with object), sur·mised, sur·mis·ing. to think or infer without certain or strong evidence; conjecture; guess. (when tr, may take a clause as object) to infer (something) from incomplete or uncertain evidence