
What is a good DELF B2 score?

What is a good DELF B2 score?

To pass DELF B2 and get your diploma, you must satisfy two conditions: score at least 50 out of 100 points; get at least 5 points for each part of the exam.

Is DELF B2 enough to work?

Re: How is DELF B2 considered for a job requiring French? DELF B2 is enough to get you into university to it’s nothing to sneeze at. Plus it means you would be next studying at the C1 level.

How hard is B2 DELF?

Then, DELF B2 is quite strict. Written French is very formal so once again it’s not because you know how to speak that you will succeed. Keep this in mind. Speaking about written French, if you are asked to write a formal letter it has to contain all the salutations and all the pieces of information needed.

What is a good score in DELF?

The average overall DELF score was 69.94/100 (70%). The students scored highest on the written comprehension component, followed by oral production, then written production, and finally by oral comprehension. Within each DELF level, the overall mean scores were 79% for Level A2, 72% for Level B1, and 62% for Level B2.

What kind of test is the Delf B2?

DELF B2 Exam – French proficiency test The DELF B2 Exam DELF B2 tests whether the student has a degree of independence that allows them to construct arguments to defend their opinion, explain their viewpoint and negotiate.

How to practise French grammar for Delf B2?

We can help you practise your DELF B2 French grammar to perfection – sign up for a free account to get your personalized study program based on French tests. Listen to sample recordings for DELF B2 listening section to get an idea of the difficulty of each level and the sort of situations presented.

Is the Delf exam equivalent to a French diploma?

DELF (Diplôme d’études en langue française) is an official certification of French language proficiency for non-native speakers of French. The exam is administered by the CIEP (Centre International d’Etudes Pedagogiques) on behalf of the French Ministry of National Education. DELF is equivalent to a French language diploma and it is valid for life.

What’s the total mark out of 100 on the Delf?

– presentation, lecture, speech, documentary, radio or television programme (played twice). Stating and defending an opinion based on a short document designed to elicit a reaction. * Total mark out of 100.