
What is a Degging can?

What is a Degging can?

My Granddad always said he was going to use the degging can(watering can)to water the plants, or he was going to deg theplants meaning the same thing.

What does Oyning mean?

Annoying is an adjective that’s used to describe someone or something that annoys you—bothers or irritates you. The word implies that the resulting irritation does not rise to the level of serious harm or a major problem—even if someone or something is extremely annoying.

What is a Slopstone?

: a stone slab or table under a tap.

How do you speak in Lancashire?

Have a gander at our Lancashire sayings!

  1. Saying/ word: Barm. Meaning: Bread roll.
  2. Saying/ word: Put wood in th’ole.
  3. Saying/ word: Corporation pop.
  4. Saying/ word: It’s cracking flags.
  5. Saying/ word: Use yer loaf.
  6. Saying/ word: I’ve not got out fort do.
  7. Saying/ word: A’v cum b’out any money.
  8. Saying/ word: Stop skriking.

Is the word annoying an insult?

‘Annoying’ is the go to descriptor when something isn’t up to scratch. And if brands took the insult just as personally as we people do and actually did something about it, they could be pleasing a lot more people. There’s a lot of opportunity in identifying ‘annoying’.

Is Annoyingness a real word?

The quality of being annoying.

What do they call people from Lancashire?

What do you call people who originate from different parts of the United Kingdom?

Country Demonym
Lancaster Lancastrian
Leeds Loiner
Liverpool Liverpudlian, Scouser, Scouse
London Londoner, Cockney

How do you say hello in Lancashire?

Meaning hello mate, ey up cocker is commonly used all over Lancashire to greet friends, colleagues and family members. 2. Ah’reet cha?

What is a annoying person called?

arsehole. noun. Britishoffensive an impolite word for an annoying or stupid person.

What does Peskiness mean?

: the quality or state of being pesky.

What is the meaning of most annoying?

: causing vexation or irritation : causing annoyance : irritating an annoying habit annoying questions. Other Words from annoying Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About annoying.
