
What is a #2 Phillips screwdriver?

What is a #2 Phillips screwdriver?

The #2 is a 1/4″ shaft, perfect for derailleur adjustment screws. It is the most common cross tip (“Phillips”) required.

What size is #2 Phillips head?


Driver size Wood screw size Machine screw size
#2 #5–9 M3.5, M4, M5 or #5–10
#3 #10–16 M6 or #12, 1/4 in., plus 5/16 in. if round-head
#4 #18–24 M8, M10 or 3/8 in., 9/16 in., plus 5/16 in. if flat-head
#5 5/8 in., 3/4 in.

What does a 2 Phillips screwdriver look like?

A Phillips screwdriver has a head with pointed edges in the shape of a cross, which fit neatly into the cross slots of a Phillips screw. Phillips screw heads allow a tighter fit than a flat head screw, which is why most factories and handymen use them.

Which is bigger #1 or #2 Phillips?

Screwdriver Technique While screw size is shrouded in mystery, there are four basic sizes of Phillips screwdriver — from #0 to #4 — #0 being the smallest. The most common sizes are #2 and #1, #2 for standard screw sizes, #1 for “miniature”. Then there are the jeweler-size screws.

What is the function of the Philips head screwdriver?

One of the main advantages of the Phillips system is that the screw and screwdriver together are self-centering . The x-shape of the screwdriver head fits into the similarly shaped slot of the screw and is held in place so the force of the torque is naturally centered, ensuring that the screw is driven straight.

What are the uses Fo Phillips head screw drivers?

Pros, Cons & Uses of Screws with Phillips Heads The main reason Phillips screw drive is so popular nowadays is that it’s very well suited for use with power drivers. This can be especially useful when you need to screw in a large number of screws or if the screws are too long to be tightened manually.

What is the smallest Phillips head screwdriver?

The Phillips #000 screw is the smallest fastener in the Phillips family and is used in the most compact electronic applications. This particular size of Phillips screwdriver blade is also known as Phillips 000, PH 000, and PH #000.

What is the Phillips screwdriver and why is it named Phillips?

Henry Frank Phillips (June 4, 1889 – April 13, 1958) was an American businessman from Portland, Oregon. The Phillips-head (“crosshead”) screw and screwdriver are named after him. The importance of the crosshead screw design lies in its self-centering property, useful on automated production lines that use powered screwdrivers.