
What happens in Zenon Z3?

What happens in Zenon Z3?

The heroine sets out to win an important competition – but her dreams of success are jeopardized. The heroine sets out to win an important competition – but her dreams of success are jeopardized. The heroine sets out to win an important competition – but her dreams of success are jeopardized.

Is Greg in Zenon the Zequel?

Gregory Smith played Zenon’s first love interest, Greg, in the 1999 film, and although his character was later wiped away from our memories after unceremoniously dumping his intergalactic GF, Smith’s career blasted off for greatness.

Why did they replace Nebula in Zenon?

Raven Symone, who had originally played the role of Nebula, was unable to reprise the role due to her commitment to filming “Dr. Dolittle 2” at the time. The film takes place in 2051. There are two hidden mickeys in this movie.

Who plays protozoa in Zenon Z3?

actor Phillip Rhys
It’s been 15 years since we last saw him perform in Zenon the Zequel (because no, we totally don’t recognize that imposter Prota Zoa that was in Zenon: Z3 ). Well, Prota was portrayed by the English actor Phillip Rhys.

What happens in Zenon the Zequel?

With Margie, Aunt Judy, Nebula, Orion the Alien Patrol lab guy, Proto Zoa and her mother, Zenon goes to meet with the aliens near the Moon. However, their ship runs out of fuel and they nearly crash to their deaths on the Moon, but the aliens show up and rescue them.

Who plays Prota?

Phillip RhysZenon: Girl of the 21st Century
Proto Zoa/Played by

Why is raven not in Cheetah 3?

Her absence was explained as her character attending college. Symone allegedly opted out of the third film, with a YouTube documentary claiming she had a horrible experience filming the second. She instead focused on recording the music for her solo project while she worked on her Disney series, That’s So Raven.

What did Zenon always say?

Cetus-Lupeedus! See if you can count how many times Zenon says her catchphrase in this supercut, and be sure to catch the Zenon trilogy this summer on Disney Channel!

Why didnt Raven do Cheetah Girls 3?

What year is it in Zenon girl of the 21st century about?

23 January 1999 (USA)
Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century/Release date

What is Zetus Lapetus?

— When you google “Zetus,” only Zenon results pop up. — But when you google “lapetus,” you find out from NASA that it is the name of Saturn’s third largest moon. (Again, Space = Zenon, Zenon = Space.)

Who are the cast members of Zenon Z3?

Cast. 1 Kirsten Storms as Zenon Kar. 2 Lauren Maltby as Margie Hammond. 3 Raven-Symoné as Nebula Wade. 4 Alyson Morgan as Dasha Plank. 5 Stuart Pankin as Commander Edward Plank. 6 Holly Fulger as Aunt Judy Cling-Plank. 7 Glenn McMillan as Bronley Hale. 8 Ben Easter as Sage Borealis. 9 Nathan Anderson as Proto Zoa. 10 Damon Berry as Pat Numbar.

When did the third Zenon movie come out?

Zenon: Z3 is the third and final installment of the Disney Channel ‘s “Zenon” television film series, following Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century and Zenon: The Zequel. It was released on June 11, 2004 in the U.S. It’s 2054 and Zenon Kar is 18 and competing to win the Galactic Teen Supreme contest and celebrate at the Moonstock Festival.

When did Zenon The Zequel 3 come out?

(August 2015) Zenon: Z3 is the third and final installment of the Disney Channel’s “Zenon” television film series, following Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century (1999) and Zenon: The Zequel (2001). It was released on June 11, 2004, in the U.S. and gathered 1.03 million viewers.

What happens at the end of Zenon Z3?

The wild weather caused by Selena has stopped. In the end, Sage and Zenon kiss, and Protozoa’s band Microbe and the new hit band, Cosmic Blush, hold a concert together. Meanwhile, Numbar invites Zenon to be a contestant in a new race to a new colony on Mars, which she quickly points out is the God of War.