
What essential oil is best for pneumonia?

What essential oil is best for pneumonia?

Essential Oils for Respiratory Health

  • Eucalyptus essential oil. Many people use this oil without realizing it.
  • Rosemary essential oil. Rosemary is a common garden herb.
  • Peppermint essential oil.
  • Frankincense essential oil.
  • Oregano essential oil.
  • Thyme essential oil.
  • Geranium essential oil.
  • Cinnamon essential oil.

Which aromatherapy oils cause lung inflammation?

VOCs are chemical gases that worsen air quality and can irritate the lungs.” Adds Dr. Neha Solanki, MD, a pulmonologist with the Cleveland Clinic Asthma Center in Ohio, “Specifically, diffused eucalyptus and lavender release terpene, toluene and benzene. We know that these compounds have respiratory side effects.

Does eucalyptus oil help with pneumonia?

A 2011 study found that herbs, including peppermint and eucalyptus, had a soothing effect on the throats of people with upper respiratory tract infections. These herbs may help break up mucus and ease the pain and inflammation caused by pneumonia.

Is Tea Tree Oil Good for pneumonia?

Tea tree oil (TTO) is a potent antimicrobial natural product, which is formulated in dry powder inhalers (DPIs) for the treatment of fungal and bacterial pneumonia.

How to use peppermint essential oil for pneumonia?

How to use peppermint oil for pneumonia? 1 Take ¼ cup of shea butter, heat it and then cool 2 To the shea butter add 4 drops peppermint essential oil, 4 drops lavender essential oil, and 2 drops camphor oil. 3 Rub the gel on the chest.

Can you use essential oil in a diffuser for pneumonia?

Aromatherapy can help a lot in the case of Pneumonia, because essential oil can be in direct contact with the lung tissue. You can use essential oil in an oil burner or in a diffuser.

How to use camphor essential oil for pneumonia?

How to use Camphor essential oil for pneumonia. Take ¼ cup shea butter, 4 drops peppermint essential oil, 4 drops lavender essential oil, and 2 drops camphor oil. Heat shea butter and after cooling add the mixture of essential oils to it. Apply the gel on the chest or rub chest.

How are essential oils used to treat respiratory tract diseases?

In the European Pharmacopoea, 17 more than 25 essential oils are official. Among them, e.g. the essential oil of anise, bitter fennel fruit, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree and thyme are frequently used for the treatment of respiratory tract diseases.