What does vague and imprecise mean?
What does vague and imprecise mean?
As adjectives the difference between imprecise and vague is that imprecise is not precise or exact; containing some error or uncertainty while vague is not clearly expressed; stated in indefinite terms.
What does imprecise vocabulary mean?
: not precise : inexact, vague an imprecise estimate. Other Words from imprecise Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About imprecise.
How do you use imprecise?
Imprecise sentence example Poetic law has its place, as does poetic justice, but imprecise legal writing is poor legal writing. Raglan was blamed for issuing so imprecise an order. The Supercharged South Beach Diet makes some imprecise nutrition claims. The language of physics or chemistry lectures is often imprecise .
How do you use imprecision in a sentence?
1. There is considerable imprecision in the terminology used. 2. This served to hide the confusion and imprecision in their thinking.
What does it mean to be mistaken?
erroneous; incorrect; wrong: a mistaken answer. having made a mistake; being in error.
What do you mean by immature?
: not fully developed or grown. : acting in a childish way : having or showing a lack of emotional maturity.
What is the opposite meaning of imprecisely?
Adverb. ▲ Opposite of in a sketchy manner. exhaustively. fully.
How do you use the word forthcoming?
Forthcoming in a Sentence ?
- The author’s forthcoming novel will be released next month.
- Once the investigation is complete, additional charges against the suspect will be forthcoming.
- The singer’s forthcoming album will feature many of her own songs.
Can a person be unlawful?
What Is False Imprisonment? False imprisonment occurs when a person (who doesn’t have legal authority or justification) intentionally restrains another person’s ability to move freely. This can also be called unlawful imprisonment in the first degree and is detailed in the penal code for your state.
What’s the difference between lawful and unlawful?
As adjectives the difference between unlawful and lawful is that unlawful is prohibited]]; not permitted by law (either [[civil law|civil or criminal law; see illegal) while lawful is conforming to, or recognised by law or rules.
Is a mistake a choice?
A mistake is unintentional and a poor choice is deliberate (even if the action is reflexive or not scrutinized). Whether we pause and think through the consequences of each action or not does not turn a poor choice into a mistake.
Which is the best definition of the word imprecise?
Definition of imprecise. : not precise : inexact, vague an imprecise estimate. Other Words from imprecise Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about imprecise. Keep scrolling for more.
What does imprecisely mean on a wine list?
‘On some wine lists in the English-speaking world all German wines, other than those regarded as Mosel (or often ‘Moselle’), appear somewhat imprecisely under the heading ‘Rhine’.’
Which is an example of an imprecise measure of wealth?
The economic interest statements are an imprecise gauge of wealth. — Phil Willon, Los Angeles Times, “Gov. Gavin Newsom reports $1.2-million income in new disclosure of tax returns,” 7 Mar. 2020 Demonstration videos provided by the companies to The Post revealed imprecise results.
Do you refer to the fraction 22 / 7 as imprecise?
You also refer it by the fraction 22/7 if you want to be imprecise about the whole thing. I’ve argued that term is inartful, impolitic and also, as Pletka points out, imprecise because of Christian pro-Israel sentiment. She could be wretchedly imprecise, capricious, and heartless to her co-workers.