
What does it mean to suplex someone?

What does it mean to suplex someone?

A suplex is an offensive move used in amateur and professional wrestling. It is a throw that involves lifting the opponents and bridging or rolling to slam them on their backs. Professional wrestling features many different varieties of suplexes (suplices).

What does it mean to Batista bomb someone?

Batista Bomb, also known as a powerbomb, is a dangerous move in which a person picks someone up by the waist, swings them up in the air and then drops the person on the ground on their back.

Why do they call it the Blue Thunder Bomb?

The wrestler then spins the opponent around 180°, dropping them to the mat back first as they drop to a sitting position. Known under the name Blue Thunder Driver, a name invented by Jun Akiyama. The move is also known as Blue Thunder Powerbomb because it resembles a powerbomb more than a driver.

Is suplex allowed in UFC?

After careful video review of the fight under multiple angles, it has been deemed that an illegal suplex was utilized. At ONE Championship, all variations of suplexes are illegal and any attempt or intent results in an automatic disqualification.

What is a sunset flip?

This move commonly sees an attacking wrestler dive over an opponent who is facing him/her, usually bent over forwards, catching the opponent in a waistlock from behind and landing back-first behind the opponent.

What is a Swanton Bomb mean?

One of my personal favorites is the Swanton Bomb, a nickname commonly used by Bobby “Scar” Scarnewman (and others) to describe a Fox combo that ends with an offstage falling up-air.

What is a Blue Thunder Bomb?

Spin-out powerbomb Also known as a Blue Thunder Driver or a Blue Thunder Bomb, this is a belly-to-back powerbomb, usually beginning in the back suplex position in which the wrestler stands behind their opponent and puts their head under the arm of the opponent.

What’s the difference between a powerbomb and a kneebomb?

This variation of a powerbomb is similar to an ordinary powerbomb, however, instead of the wrestler remaining standing, the wrestler falls into a kneeling position while driving the opponent back-first into the mat. Kane has used this version of the Powerbomb

Where does the term powerbomb come from in wrestling?

Translated literally from Japanese as Originator Bomb (元祖 ganso) but in English more commonly referred to as the original powerbomb, this move sees the attacking wrestler make an opponent bend over and grab them in a belly to back waistlock before then lifting the opponent until they are vertical.

What is the dictionary definition of ” bombed “?

English Language Learners Definition of bombed. US, informal : affected by alcohol or drugs : very drunk or intoxicated. See the full definition for bombed in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Keep scrolling for more. Comments on bombed.

Why is it called a sheer drop powerbomb?

Sometimes the wrestler steps back while releasing the opponent, which is known as a sheer drop powerbomb due to the high elevation, or the opponent would be thrown horizontally away from the wrestler rather than merely dropped.