What does a COM exception mean in EndNote?
What does a COM exception mean in EndNote?
Cannot Edit Range
If you receive the error message, Com Exception: “Cannot Edit Range”, when you try to insert references into a Word document the most common cause is the installation of the Mendeley plug-in in Word. You can remove the Mendeley plug-in by following these steps: Quit Word and Outlook.
Why is my EndNote not connecting to Word?
Note: With Word 2010/2013/2016/2019, the Ribbon tab may also be unchecked. Click on the File menu and select Options. Click on Customize Ribbon and Check EndNote if it is unchecked. Click OK to display the EndNote tab in the Word Ribbon.
What does Cannot edit range in EndNote mean?
If you receive the message “Cannot Edit Range” when you attempt to use the EndNote tools in Word, it is likely due to the installation of the Mendeley plug-in in Word. Windows: Mac: You can remove the Mendeley plug-in by following these steps: Quit Word and Outlook.
When does a COM exception have occurred in endnote?
However, the error occurs also on my Mac with some files generated before the advent of EndNoteX (currently I use EndNote X2.0.1 Build 3889). Sometimes it suffices to click ok one to three times, sometimes it doesn’t stop. It also (or only?) happens when all fields are removed (shift-cmd-F9 on Mac).
How to connect cite while you write to EndNote?
If it is recognized, with the EndNote online page opened try to insert references in your Word document. If the issue continues, please check the Cite While You Write Preferences in Word. Make sure the URL it is trying to access is http://www.myendnoteweb.com:80.
How to remove the EndNote tool from word?
Delete any EndNote Cite While You Write (CWYW) files from this folder. This should remove all traces of the EndNote tools in Word. If you continue to receive a “COM Exception” in Word, this may be due to issues with the Word preferences.
What is the error message in EndNote X2?
Error Message: “A COM exception has occurred. Object has been deleted” 10-31-2008 06:48 AM I have just received EndNote X2, to upgrade from 9. Since I installed the test version, I keep getting the following error message in a pop-up window under Word: “A COM exception has occurred. Object has been deleted”.