
What do you do if two players are the same distance from the pallino in bocce ball?

What do you do if two players are the same distance from the pallino in bocce ball?

If at the end of any frame the closest ball of each team is equidistant from the pallino, the frame ends in a tie and no points are awarded to either team. The game will resume from the opposite end of the court with the same original team tossing the pallino.

How many points does the team get with the closest ball to the pallino?

SCORING: ➢ The official score for frame is determined after all 8 balls have been played and measured to the captains’ satisfaction. One point is awarded for each ball of a team that is closer to the pallino than the opponent’s closest ball (1 to 4 points).

What are the official rules of bocce ball?

Only balls which are distinguishably closer to the pallina than any of the opponent’s balls are awarded points. All measurements should be made from the center of the pallina to the edge of a Bocce ball. Games are played to 16 points with the first team reaching 16 points being the winner of a game.

How do you determine who throws the next bocce ball?


  1. The initial pallino thrower always throws the first bocce ball.
  2. Except for hitting, all bocce balls are thrown from behind the pointing foul line.
  3. Each succeeding ball is thrown by the team that does NOT have the ball closest to the pallino.
  4. Hitting or spocking is permitted.

What is Spocking in bocce?

Like Reilly, players spock, meaning they throw a bocce ball hard to knock an opponent’s ball away from the pallino, a small ball that’s the target for the game’s other skill — pointing. To point, players try to throw their balls as close as possible to the pallino to score points.

What is the average cost of a bocce ball set?

Bocce sets can cost anywhere between $15 and $200, but many decent sets can be found for no more than $50. Pricing primarily depends on the material that the balls are made of. Plastic sets, for example, will be significantly cheaper than balls made of baked clay or resin.

Can you hit pallino in bocce?

If a bocce ball is touching the pallino, its often known as a “baci” or “kiss” and can be rewarded 2 points if they remain touching at the end of the frame. The first team to reach 12 points wins the game (must win by 2).

What do you call the little ball in bocce?

Bocce takes place in two teams of two players each. Each player has two large balls called bocce. A smaller ball called the pallino is the target. Teams should decide which side will go first.

What is the little ball in bocce called?

Starting the Game Bocce takes place in two teams of two players each. Each player has two large balls called bocce. A smaller ball called the pallino is the target. Officially, people play on a court, but players generally play bocce wherever they find enough ground on which to roll the balls.

What are the rules for a bocce ball game?

The match shall begin with the flip of a coin between the capos (captains) from each team. The winner of the coin flip may have the first toss of the pallino or choose the color of the balls. A player may toss the pallino any distance so long as the pallino passes the center line of the court and does not hit the back wall.

What happens when a player rolls out of turn in bocce?

B) If a player rolls out of turn the opposing team may leave everything, including the thrown ball, exactly where it is or may return any moved balls to their approximate original positions and remove the thrown ball from play.

Where does the pallino go in bocce ball?

A player may toss the pallino any distance so long as the pallino passes the center line of the court and does not hit the back wall. If a player fails to validly toss the pallino after one attempt, the opposing team will have a chance to toss the pallino and put it in play.

Who is the first person to throw a bocce ball?

In any case, when the pallino has been properly put in play, the first bocce ball will be thrown by the team who orginally tossed the pallino. The team who originally tosses the pallino, whether successfully or not, throws the first bocce ball. If the bocce ball hits the back board, that team must roll again.