
What can I expect after Bankart surgery?

What can I expect after Bankart surgery?

Recovery is broken up into several phases: The first 6 weeks the shoulder is kept fairly immobile to allow the area to heal as much as possible. For up to 8 weeks the focus is on normal shoulder movement, but lifting should still be avoided. At 3 months strengthening exercises for the shoulder will commence.

How long does it take to recover from Bankart surgery?

According to Dr. Reuss, many patients report feeling they have regained full use of their shoulder and arm anywhere between three to six months after surgery. In some cases, however, recovery may last as long as nine to 12 months.

How long do you wear sling after Bankart repair?

You will be placed in a sling after surgery. The sling is generally used for the first 4 – 6 weeks following your procedure. This should be worn at all times initially. You may type on a keyboard or write on a desk as soon as you feel comfortable, as long as you remain in your sling.

Is Bankart surgery painful?

Arthroscopic Bankart repair results in minimal pain and trauma and less scarring and damage to surrounding tissue than traditional open surgery. There is also a shorter recovery period and a shorter length of rehabilitation than with traditional open surgery.

How long will I be off work after labrum surgery?

This is about 2 to 3 weeks after surgery. Remove the sling and keep your arm at your side while you shower. Most people who work at desk jobs can return to work in 2 to 3 weeks. If you lift, push, or pull at work, you will probably need 3 to 4 months to recover.

When should I start PT after Bankart repair?

After Bankart Repair for Shoulder Instability In general, it is usually safe to return to heavy weight training at three months following Bankart repair.

How do you sleep after Bankart repair?

The Best Sleeping Positions After Shoulder Surgery

  1. Wear a sling while sleeping. This will help to keep the arm stable while healing.
  2. Sleep in a reclined position. Propping yourself on pillows will keep you from turning over and sleeping on the recovering shoulder.
  3. Prop up the arm with a pillow.

Can a Bankart repair fail?

Revision of failed arthroscopic Bankart repair can occur in up to 15% of patients after index surgery, although rates of secondary instability may be higher when considering other definitions of failure. Etiologies include recurrent trauma, inadequate rehabilitation, and technical or diagnostic errors.

When can you drive after a Bankart repair?

You will continue to have follow-up visits until your shoulder is healed. Keep these appointments to help ensure your shoulder heals properly. Don’t drive until you are no longer taking prescription pain medicines and your healthcare provider says it’s OK. Driving may be restricted for several weeks after surgery.

What is the rehabilitation protocol for Bankart repair?

Rehabilitation Protocol for Bankart Repair This protocol is intended to guide clinicians and patients through the post-operative course of a Bankart repair. Specific interventions should be based on the needs of the individual and should consider exam findings and clinical decision making. If you have questions, contact the referring physician.

How does a Bankart repair work on the shoulder?

Today he says he is 100 percent back to normal and is even playing the sport he loves again. A Bankart repair involves re-anchoring and suturing the torn piece of cartilage to restore security and stability to the shoulder.

How long does it take to recover from Bankart repair?

In some cases, however, recovery may last as long as nine to 12 months. In Letourneau’s case, he felt as though he was back to normal at the three-month mark from when he began therapy. “I felt about 100 percent after my 12 weeks of therapy,” he says.

What kind of injury is a Bankart tear?

When a patient’s shoulder is dislocated, the anterior (front) portion of the labrum is often torn. This is called a Bankart tear or lesion, and it is the most common form of ligament injury to the shoulder.