
What are the Urns in God of War2?

What are the Urns in God of War2?

An Urn is a type of Greek pot. In God of War II it’s a Magical item, found in hidden chests throughout the game that grant special abilities during Bonus Play through of the game on the same difficulty or lower.

Where is the urn of the Gorgons?

URN OF THE GORGONS: This urn is hidden in the Bog of the Forgotten, but you must wait until you have acquired the Golden Fleece from Cerberus. Once you have the Golden Fleece, return to the area with the Gorgon beam conveyor belt.

How many eyes has a Cyclops?

A cyclops has only one eye. (Hesiod says so explicitly, explaining the name, “round-eye,” and the Odyssey episode is premised on the fact.)

How do you deflect fireballs in God of War 2?

As you might have guessed, you now have to approach the fireball-throwing statue and use the Golden Fleece (L1) to reflect its projectiles. When you destroy it, go along the ledge and through the cave.

Can a Cyclops have 3 eyes?

One noticeable trait of many of these depictions of Polyphemus the Cyclops is that he has three eyes. There was in fact a strong oral tradition within the Mediterranean surrounding these mythical creatures that sometimes gave them three eyes rather than just one. Head of Polyphemus.

How did Kratos get the Golden Fleece?

Kratos with the Golden Fleece in God of War III. The Golden Fleece was a powerful golden armlet, which once belonged to the Argonaut, Jason. Kratos defeated the Mole Cerberus that partially ate Jason and obtained the Golden Fleece.

How do you beat the courtyard of Atropos in God of War 2?

There’s a stone block in front of the chamber’s exit. Pull the stone out of the way, then jump onto the stone to reach a hidden red orb chest above. After grabbing the orbs, kick the stone block forward, through the doorway and out into the Courtyard of Atropos.

Do Cyclops have powers?

Cyclops is a member of a subspecies of humans known as mutants, who are born with superhuman abilities. Cyclops emits powerful beams of energy from his eyes, and can only control the beams with the aid of special eyewear which he must wear at all times.

Is Poseidon the father of Cyclops?

Cyclops in the Odyssey Homer’s Cyclopes were the sons of Poseidon, not the Titans, but they share with Hesiod’s Cyclopes immensity, strength, and the single eye. In the tale told in the “Odyssey,” Odysseus and his crew landed on the island of Sicily, where resided the seven cyclopes led by Polyphemus.

Where do you find urns in God of War 2?

Urns of Power An Urn is a type of Greek pot. In God of War II it’s a Magical item, found in hidden chests throughout the game that grant special abilities during Bonus Play through of the game on the same difficulty or lower. The following is a list of Urns found in the game and their effects.

Where are all the chests in God of War 2?

This guide gives detailed locations of all the chests that contain red orbs, Gorgon Eyes, Phoenix Feathers, the three “gift” chests, and four of the six Urns (the other two Urns are not found within the main game, hence their exclusion).

Where are all the collectibles in God of War 2?

This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. This is an all collectible guide for God of War 2. This guide shows the locations for 18 Gorgon Eyes, 18 Phoenix Feathers, 3 Uber Chests and 4 of the 6 Urns. The last 2 Urns are earned in the Challenge of the Titans.

Where is the urn of Gaia in God of War 2?

URN OF GAIA > 5. RD > In the area with all the hallways and gates, push the block onto the second floor button under the gate opened when Kratos stands on the first button and roll right after it. After that, push it down the hall to the right, then all the way straight ahead.