
What are the prevention of communicable diseases?

What are the prevention of communicable diseases?

Learn, practice, and teach healthy habits.

  • #1 Handle & Prepare Food Safely. Food can carry germs.
  • #2 Wash Hands Often.
  • #3 Clean & Disinfect Commonly Used Surfaces.
  • #4 Cough and Sneeze into a Tissue or Your Sleeve.
  • #5 Don’t Share Personal Items.
  • #6 Get Vaccinated.
  • #7 Avoid Touching Wild Animals.
  • #8 Stay Home When Sick.

What are the ten communicable disease?

Some examples of the communicable disease include HIV, hepatitis A, B and C, measles, salmonella, measles, and blood-borne illnesses. Most common forms of spread include fecal-oral, food, sexual intercourse, insect bites, contact with contaminated fomites, droplets, or skin contact.

What is the most effective method of preventing communicable disease?

Keeping personal hygiene, like taking a daily bath and washing your hands frequently. Hand washing with soap and water is the simplest and one of the most effective ways to prevent transmission of many communicable diseases (Figure 2.5).

What are the different ways to control communicable diseases?

There are several ways in which diseases can be communicated. These include airborne and oral transmission and sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is necessary to develop various methods to control communicable diseases. These include wearing condoms, taking vaccines, and educating the public.

Which are methods helps prevent communicable diseases?

Method 2 of 3: Avoiding Communicable Diseases through Self-help Strategies Clean your house thoroughly. Some surfaces and equipment are more commonly exposed to microorganisms than others. Ensure proper waste management. Spoiled foods must be properly disposed of and trash cans should be kept sealed at all times to avoid attracting pests like rodents and cockroaches. Remove any stagnant water from around your home.

What are the 5 communicable diseases?

Communicable diseases include malaria, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, infant’s diarrhoea, measles and poliomyelitis diseases are passed on to people who are not already affected by it. To collect this data we use mortality rates, morbidity rates, disease incidence, disease prevalence and disability adjusted life…

How can we prevent communicable diseases?

People can help prevent the spread of communicable diseases with good hygiene and sanitary habits. If a person gets sick, he or she should avoid close contact with other people, sneeze or cough into tissues or a handkerchief, and regularly wash his or her hands to reduce the changes of spreading the disease.