
What are some synonyms for the word economics?

What are some synonyms for the word economics?

synonyms for economics

  • business.
  • finance.
  • social science.
  • the dismal science.

What does The Economist cover?

The Economist is an international weekly newspaper printed in magazine-format and published digitally that focuses on current affairs, international business, politics, and technology.

What is economics in simple words?

In its most simple and concise definition, economics is the study of how society uses its limited resources. Economics is a social science that deals with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. Macroeconomics – the branch of economics that studies the overall working of a national economy.

What is the main economic focus?

Economics focuses on the actions of human beings, based on assumptions that humans act with rational behavior, seeking the most optimal level of benefit or utility. The building blocks of economics are the studies of labor and trade.

What is a synonym for vindication?

Frequently Asked Questions About vindicate Some common synonyms of vindicate are absolve, acquit, exculpate, and exonerate.

Which is the closest antonym for the word shortage?

antonyms for shortage

  • abundance.
  • enough.
  • excess.
  • plenty.
  • surplus.
  • sufficiency.
  • ample.

How can I read The Economist for free?

Keep up to date with the latest economic, business, political and international news by reading The Economist. This popular weekly newspaper is now available for free online through the Bodleian Libraries. View the content from 1843 to the current issue via SOLO.

Is it worth reading The Economist?

Is it worth it to get a The Economist subscription? It’s a London-based weekly magazine. They are moderate, quirky, and unconventional. If you are looking to improve your spoken/ written English, reading The Economist provides an excellent way to go about it.

Who is known as the father of economics?

Adam Smith was an 18th-century Scottish economist, philosopher, and author, and is considered the father of modern economics. Smith is most famous for his 1776 book, “The Wealth of Nations.”
