
Is there romance in Hikaru no Go?

Is there romance in Hikaru no Go?

2. There are not romantic feelings between Akira and Hikaru; they merely see each other as Go rivals. The first reason is not even worth lingering over.

Why is it called Hikaru no Go?

“Hikaru no Go” just means “Hikaru’s Go”. Hikaru first arrived on the scene in December 1998. He made his first appearance in the weekly Jump comic for Japanese children. Soon he had his first book.

How are Hikaru no go and Chihayafuru similar?

Hikaru no Go and Chihayafuru are so similar, I can’t imagine anyone who liked one not enjoying the other. While the games and relationships are different, the flow and feel of both are the same. Both anime are engaging even for viewers with no knowledge of the games being played. hannahF says…

What kind of anime is Hikaru no go based on?

I would call Shion no Ou a shorter and more condensed version of Hikaru no Go, but it is based on the game of shougi with what seems to be a sinister plot lurking behind it. Hikaru no Go is a shonen anime about the game of Go and the competitions and trials the main characters face as they journey into the worlds of professionals.

How are Hikaru no go and Shion No Oh similar?

Both Hikaru no Go and Shion no Oh are about characters who are pushed to play their respective board games in their own way. Both of them are pushed by the death of someone/ people they hold dear, and although they lost their way a few times, they got up and continued walking towards being a Pro.

Which is better Hikaru no go or Hajime no Ippo?

If you liked Hikaru no Go, definitely check out Hajime no Ippo for an even more addictive tournament story. Hajime no Ippo involves far more action and has an aggressive shounen style, but just like Hikaru no Go, it offers fantastic tension and incredible games to keep you on the edge of your seat.