
Is there a Code Name Verity movie?

Is there a Code Name Verity movie?

Right now, Levantine Films lists a film adaptation of Code Name Verity as being in development, but there’s little more than that on the ground right now.

Is Julie Queenie in Code Name Verity?

Elizabeth Wein’s ‘Code Name Verity’: Thrilling WWII spy drama for young adults. A spy during World War II, Julie is known by many names: Queenie, Eva, Scottie, Lady Beaufort-Stuart.

What was Julie’s mission in Code Name Verity?

Maddie reveals that Julie’s mission in France was to destroy the Gestapo headquarters with dynamite. Maddie is given fake identification papers by the resistance and begins to circulate in Ormaie pretending to be German.

How does Code Name Verity end?

The very end of Code Name Verity is a letter from Julie’s mother to Maddie. Structurally, it mirrors the letter at the end of Part 1, which is from SS-Sturmbannführer Nikolaus Ferber calling for Julie’s execution. The final letter also mentions Julie’s death, assuring Maddie that she did the right thing.

How old is verity in Code Name Verity?

In The Enigma Game, fifteen-year-old Louisa Adair wants to fight back, make a difference, do something–anything to escape the Blitz and the ghosts of her parents, who were killed by enemy action.

WHO is Queenie in Code Name Verity?

Queenie, the character who narrates the first half of “Code Name: Verity,” is a Scottish spy who has been caught by the Gestapo and imprisoned in a once-grand hotel; this portion of the book is meant to be her confession, written at the command of her captors.

How old is Julie in Code Name Verity?

In The Pearl Thief, fifteen-year-old Julia Beaufort-Stuart wakes up in the hospital, instantly realizing that the lazy summer break she’d imagined won’t be exactly what she anticipated. And once she returns to her grandfather’s estate, she begins to realize that her injury might not have been an accident.

Who is the main character in Code Name Verity?

Julie Beaufort-Stuart
Julie Beaufort-Stuart The protagonist is the main character in a novel, the person we want to win or prevail.

What is the theme of Code Name Verity?

Code Name Verity is a compelling, emotionally rich story with universal themes of friendship and loyalty, heroism and bravery.

How old is Julie Stuart?

Sixteen-year-old Julie Beaufort-Stuart is returning to her family’s ancestral home in Perthshire for one last summer. It is not an idyllic return to childhood. Her grandfather’s death has forced the sale of the house and estate and this will be a summer of goodbyes.

What age is Code Name Verity for?

Marie This book is written for a young adult audience and not a middle grade/juvenile/children’s audience. I would say this book is appropriate for ages 13+, due to violence, torture, and sexual harassment (although there aren’t graphic descriptions of any of these).

Who are the characters in Code Name Verity?


  • Verity.
  • Margaret “Maddie” Brodatt.
  • Fräulein Anna Engel.
  • Jamie Beaufort-Stuart.
  • SS-Hauptsturmführer Amadeus von Linden.
  • Mitraillette / Gabrielle-Thérèse Thibaut.
  • Paul.
  • Georgia Penn.

What happens in the second half of Code Name Verity?

In the second half of the book, we follow Maddie’s travails in occupied France, hidden and aided by members of the Resistance. When they discover that Queenie—real name Julie, code name Verity—is alive and being held by the Gestapo, together they attempt a daring rescue as prisoners are being transferred to a concentration camp.

What does Maddie do in Code Name Verity?

Maddie becomes a pilot with the Special Operations Executive, or SOE—the actual SOE originated in London in 1940, using houses as headquarters, and soon expanded to an all-volunteer force of men and women, who secretly warred against Hitler and his armies. Julie becomes a translator for secret interrogations, or so Maddie thinks.

Who is Julie in the book Code Name Verity?

Julie becomes a translator for secret interrogations, or so Maddie thinks. Julie later confesses to Maddie that she is actually the lead interrogator who ferrets out double agents, working under the name Eva Seiler. Because of her success at interrogation, the SOE marks Julie for work behind enemy lines as a spy.

Why was Code Name Verity a good book?

The strength of the girls’ friendship in the face of horror is the reason I found the book so moving. The final letter from Julie’s mother helped to ease the loss of the remarkable young woman. Josiphine’s second reading is a good idea, an idea I think I’ll follow.