
Is Peachjar free for nonprofits?

Is Peachjar free for nonprofits?

Use of Peachjar is provided for free to district staff, school staff and authorized parent groups for the distribution of noncommercial, school-related digital flyers. The district is not authorized to post digital flyers through the system on behalf of, or for the benefit of, any external organizations.

Does Peachjar cost money?

Peachjar does charge a fee to Program Providers, but it is significantly less than the cost of printing flyers. Please contact Peachjar or review their website for details. Once you create a Peachjar account, you will upload flyers for approval by the District’.

Is Peach jar free?

Peachjar’s Community Free (Free Flyer Posting Program) was created to allow local community organizations to distribute their digital flyers to nearby schools at no cost when promoting a free event or activity that does not encourage participants to join a fee-based program, or include the opportunity to purchase …

What are Peachjar flyers?

Peachjar enables school districts and parent groups to send information to parents as colorful digital flyers. School districts can quickly take action on pending flyer approval requests from community organizations and manage active flyers.

How much does it cost to advertise on Peachjar?

With Peachjar, Next Level Flag Football can distribute full-color, digital flyers to all 31 schools for only $697.50, a fraction of what they spent on paper flyers.

How do I submit to Peachjar?

How do I get started using Peachjar? To create an account, click Sign Up in the upper right corner and complete the registration form as a “Community Organization”. Once your account is created, you can immediately start submitting digital flyers by clicking the “Send and Post Flyer” link in your Peachjar account.

How do you make a Peachjar flyer?

Click “Eflyer Templates” under “My Flyers” in your Peachjar account. Download the desired template and customize it for your school/district. Save as a PDF. Your flyer is ready for upload!…Here’s what’s new in both English and Spanish:

  1. Back to School.
  2. Baseball.
  3. Basketball.
  4. Cheerleading.
  5. Football.

Does Peachjar have app?

With the Peachjar App, you can add a button on your school webpages that parents can click to view eflyers at their children’s school. Or, you may choose to configure the app so that it displays your schools’ Peachjar eflyers as thumbnails on a school webpages.

Do you have to pay for a peachjar Flyer?

Once you register, and if you have a FREE event, you must contact Peachjar directly for credits in order to upload a flyer free of charge. If you are charging for your event, standard Peachjar fees will apply.

Why do parents need to know about peachjar?

Parents love Peachjar because they can easily access important information and resources from their school and community and click to take action. I have Peachjar to thank for getting my son involved in Cub Scouts. By receiving this type of information from my school digitally, I won’t miss out on opportunities for my child.

How often does peachjar update the distance learning plan?

Following implementation of our emergency distance learning plan, we’ve used Peachjar updates 2-3 times a week to communicate critical information to our parents. By using Peachjar to communicate the value of extracurricular activities to families and to remove barriers to participation, we are closing opportunity gaps in our district.

Why are communication departments so interested in peachjar?

Communication departments love Peachjar because it enables them to streamline their process, save considerable staff time and provide families participating in either in-person or virtual learning with better access to district, school and community resources.