Is Data Human Star Trek?
Is Data Human Star Trek?
One of the most notable AI characters in Star Trek is Data from the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation (TNG). Data is one of the main protagonists in the series. He is an artificial lifeform, an android who desires to be human.
What planet is Data from Star Trek?
Omicron Theta
Data is portrayed by actor Brent Spiner. Data was found by Starfleet in 2338. He was the sole survivor on Omicron Theta in the rubble of a colony left after an attack from the Crystalline Entity.
What happened to Lore in Star Trek?
Lore was discovered by the crew of the Enterprise-D several years later (in the episode“Datalore”) and—unaware he was the worst—they decided to reassemble him. After manipulating Data with the emotion chip, Lore was eventually defeated again, and Data permanently deactivated him.
Who is older Data or Lore?
He refers to himself as Lore, and explains that Data was built first and he himself is the more perfect model.
Did Data sleep with Tasha Yar?
When this episode was made, Roddenberry seized on the opportunity to fulfill his wish, and had Data have sex with Tasha Yar. This episode takes place eight years, seven months and sixteen days before Star Trek: First Contact (1996).
Is Data dead in Picard?
A missed opportunity, Star Trek: Picard never found the right way for Geordi La Forge to say goodbye to his best friend, Lieutenant Commander Data. It was stated he died on the attack on the shipyards.
Is DAHJ Data’s daughter?
Dahj and Soji are highly advanced synthetics built from a single positronic neuron retrieved from Data, essentially making them the android Starfleet Officer’s daughters. Both Dahj and Soji were sent to Earth and the Romulan-controlled Borg Cube called the Artifact, respectively, by their creator Dr.
Why is Data’s brother called Lore?
“Data” indicates a piece of logical/rational information (a datum) while “Lore” indicates a piece of folklore, a bit of legend tied up in (presumably unreliable) oral tradition and emotion.
Did Lore have emotions?
It is no coincidence that the android named “Lore” has emotions, nor is it surprising that the android without them is called “Data.” Data is emotionless, but he tells the truth (no matter how hard it is to hear) and you never have to worry about his ulterior motives.
Why did Tasha Yar leave Star Trek The Next Generation?
Crosby denied the growing rumors of her impending exit during contemporaneous interviews published before “Skin of Evil” aired, but she had indeed quit the series, mostly due to the lack of character development given to Tasha Yar.
Did Tasha Love Data?
After losing Tasha, Data had to grapple with his unique brand of love for Tasha. He found comfort in the concept of getting “used” to people and finding comfort in that. In Ishara, Data was finally able to digest and express all the things he felt about Tasha that he never got to tell her about.
Is Wesley Picard’s son?
Introduced in the very first episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Wesley Crusher was the son of the Enterprise’s chief medical officer, Dr. Beverly Crusher, with whom Picard shared a largely unexplained prior relationship at the series’ outset.
Who is lore in Star Trek The Next Generation?
Lore (played by Brent Spiner) is a prototype android and the brother of main character Data and of B-4. However, while Data is virtuous and B-4 is primitive, Lore is sophisticated, clever, jealous, and self-serving, making him the evil triplet in the group.
Where can I find Lore for Star Trek?
For official blog entries from the official Star Trek Online website, see Lore Blogs. Below are the 166 questions and answers for the Path to 2409 daily trivia, available at Starfleet Academy from Commander Viala for “History 102: Alpha Quadrant Midterm” and Klingon Academy from Loresinger Ch’toh for “Learning the Lore of the Empire” .
When did the first episode of Star Trek Datalore air?
” Datalore ” is the thirteenth episode of the first season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation, originally aired on January 18, 1988, in broadcast syndication. The story was created by Robert Lewin and Maurice Hurley, and turned into a script by Lewin and the creator of the show, Gene Roddenberry.
Who is the Android in Star Trek Next Generation?
Lore (/ ˈloʊr /; played by Brent Spiner) is a prototype android and the “brother” of main character Data. In TNG, Lore is characterized as a frighteningly evil version of the android Data that massacres the colonists of Omicron Theta, Data and Lore’s homeworld.