How much is a cab from MSY to French Quarter?
How much is a cab from MSY to French Quarter?
Taxi rides cost $36.00 from the airport to the Central Business District (CBD) or French Quarter (west of Elysian Fields) for up to two (2) passengers. For three (3) or more passengers, the fare will be $15.00 per passenger. Taxis are required to accept credit card payments.
What is the best part of Bourbon Street?
Upper Bourbon is the area best known to visitors — the land of lots of neon, roaming bachelor and bachelorette parties, strip clubs, and enormous drinks served in souvenir cups. Lower Bourbon has most of the above, but not in such intense concentration; it includes the LGBTQ blocks of Bourbon.
How much is a taxi from the airport to the French Quarter?
Taxi rides cost $36.00 from the airport to the Central Business District (CBD) or French Quarter (west of Elysian Fields) for up to two (2) passengers. For three (3) or more passengers, the fare will be $15.00 per passenger. Taxis are required to accept credit card payments.
How long does it take to get to the French Quarter from MSY?
It usually takes 24 minutes to reach french quarter from MSY which are 25.377 Miles apart. Taxi fares in New Orleans are calculated based on the minimum fare and fare for the subsequent Miles. Taxis in New Orleans generally charge extra at night.
How to find a taxi in New Orleans?
Welcome to the New Orleans Taxi Fare Finder. This page will calculate your cab fare using New Orleans, LA taxi rates. To begin, enter your travel information in the fields below the map. Uber, Lyft estimatesUse RideGuruAll results are estimates and may vary depending on external factors such as traffic and weather.
How much is the flight from New Orleans to the French Quarter?
Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY) to French Quarter: $44.96 Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY) to New Orleans, Louisiana, United States: $38.95 French Quarter to Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport (MSY): $40.87