How much is a 1944 quarter worth today?
How much is a 1944 quarter worth today?
The 1944 quarter with no mint mark is worth around $6 in extremely fine condition. In uncirculated condition the price is around $9 for coins with an MS 60 grade. Uncirculated coins with a grade of MS 65 can sell for around $26. The 1944 D quarter is worth around $6 in extremely fine condition.
How much silver is in a 1944 Canadian quarter?
STRUCK IN FINE SILVER – Each 1944 Canada Caribou Quarter was struck by the Royal Canadian Mint in 5.8320 grams of 80% fine silver. CANADIAN LEGAL TENDER – These 1944 Silver Canada Caribou Quarters measure 23.5 mm in diameter and are 25 cents legal tender in Canada.
How much is a 1944 nickel worth?
Circulated 1944-D nickels are worth around $1.50 to $2.50, while uncirculated specimens are worth about $7 to $10 and up.
What is the most valuable quarter?
Most Valuable US Quarters – Highest Value Quarter Coins
Coin | Value |
Coin | Value |
1873-S Seated Liberty Quarter | $6,524 |
1865-S Seated Liberty Quarter | $6,523 |
1825 Capped Bust Quarter: 5 Over 4 – Close Date | $6,522 |
Where is the mint mark on a 1944 quarter?
The US minted the 1944 quarter with no mint mark and also the 1944 D and 1944 S quarter. The mint mark, when present, can be found on the reverse side of the coin. This coin in circulated condition is worth at least its weight in silver.
Is the 1944 Washington quarter 90% silver?
1944 P Washington Quarter Dollar – 6 Photos! 90% Silver – The coin shown in the photos is the exact coin you’ll receive. 1944 VF35 Washington Quarter. Item: 25 W44-03. 1944 P Washington Quarter Dollar – 6 Photos!
How many Deutsche Mark coins are in Numista?
This index is based on the data of Numista members collections. It ranges from 0 to 100, 0 meaning a very common coin and 100 meaning a rare coin among Numista members. Old Germany Coin – 1960 F 1 Deutsche Mark – Circulated, rim dings $1.50 Germany 1950 G 1 Deutsche Mark Coin $3.00.