
How much does it cost to install an electric submeter?

How much does it cost to install an electric submeter?

A basic kit costs around $180 and easily installs within 15 minutes. You need a Wi-Fi signal and some electrical tools. If the law allows, you may add a service fee on top of the actual usage billing.

How does an electric submeter work?

Electric submeters are basically energy monitors that are attached downstream from electric meters. Each one breaks down the electric usage of individual tenants or dwelling units. It is monitored then broken down for a landlord or property owner to distribute a more accurate utility bill during the billing period.

Can I submeter electricity?

Electrical submetering involves the installation power meters (also called power monitors, electrical meters, or energy monitors) that can measure energy usage after it reaches the primary utility meter.

What does a submeter measure?

Plant submetering uses submeters to measure your plant’s energy. Submeters may include BTU meters, electric meters, flow meters, gas meters, steam meters, and meters embedded in your plant management systems.

Who can install a submeter?

4. INSTALL SUB-METER (Only a LICENSED PLUMBER can do installations for commercial, multi-residential, etc., properties). 5.

How can I get more electricity meter?

Contact your retailer to organise a time to get the meter installed once the electrical work is completed. Your retailer must install the new smart meter within 15 business days, or a later date if agreed by you.

Is submeter more expensive?

Here is a look at how sub meters might be a better options for large buildings with more residents. Submeters offers a cheaper electricity rate for building residents as the electricity is bought in retail by the building owner at a cheaper rate than direct metered electricity.

How do you read a digital submeter for electricity?

Always read the dials from the right to the left, starting from Dial A to Dial E. Read the number by the pointer of the dial. When the pointer is between two (2) numbers, the lower number is recorded. To compute your electric consumption, simply subtract the previous reading from the present reading.

How can I split my electric bill?

A common way to divide up bills is to have each roommate pay an equal amount. For example, if there are four people living in your house, then each person would pay 25 percent of every bill.

How do I calibrate my electric submeter?

Calibrate the meter by turning its adjusting screws with a micrometer screwdriver.

  1. Locate the micrometer adjusting screws on the meter.
  2. Slow the meter’s counting speed down by gently turning both screws in a clockwise direction with the micrometer screwdriver.

How do you read a sub meter for electricity?

How do you use a submeter?

Please check with your Electricity board if they have any specific application form or any online facility to apply for sub-meters – if not, then you can write an application letter giving details of your electricity connection, requesting for sub-meters installation and the reasons for such installation.

What is an electric sub meter?

Electrical submetering involves the installation power meters (also called power monitors, electrical meters, or energy monitors) that can measure energy usage after it reaches the primary utility meter.

What is a sub meter for electricity?

An electricity sub-meter measures and records the electricity usage for each individual unit or storey in a building, rather than having a single meter which only measures the total electricity use of the whole building.

What are the benefits of electrical submetering?

That said, the benefits extend beyond the results. Submetering enables building owners to manage their electricity budget more efficiently and reduce exposure to rate increases and uncontrolled consumption. By reducing operating expenses, owners can improve their net operating income and building value.

How do you install an electric meter?

How to Install a New Electric Meter Box Step 1 – Turn Off All of Your Electrical Appliances Step 2 – Call Your Electric Company Step 3 – Disconnect the High-Voltage Feed and Ground Wire Step 4 – Cut the Security Tag and Remove the Old Meter Step 5 – Remove Insulation Step 6 – Connect Wires to the New Electric Meter