
How many deemed medical colleges are there in Maharashtra?

How many deemed medical colleges are there in Maharashtra?

There are 9 deemed medical sciences universities in Maharashtra which have 12 affiliated private medical colleges.

Which is the No 1 Medical College in Maharashtra?

RANK Name and Address of Medical College/Medical Institution Year Inception
1 Grant Medical College, Mumbai 1845
2 Seth GS Medical College, Mumbai 1925
3 Government Medical College, Nagpur 1947

Which are the top 10 medical colleges in Maharashtra?

Top Medical Colleges in Maharashtra

  • Armed Forces Medical College (AFMC), Pune.
  • Grant Medical College (GMC), Mumbai.
  • Seth GS Medical College (SGSMC), Mumbai.
  • KJ Somaiyya Medical College & Research Centre, Mumbai.
  • BJ Medical College (BJMC), Pune.
  • Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College (LTMMC), Mumbai.

Which is the best deemed medical colleges in India?

Have a look at the Top Deemed Medical Colleges in India

  • Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College, Aurangabad (MGM Institute of Health Sciences Deemed University, Aurangabad)(Fee 20,00,000)
  • Mahatma Gandhi Missions Medical College, Navi Mumbai (MGM Institute of Health Sciences Deemed University, Navi Mumbai)(Fee 20,00,000)

Which is the best fee structure for Maharashtra Medical Colleges?

Development fee per annum Rs. Fee (Rs.) The fee structure of private colleges of Maharashtra medical colleges is decided by the respective authorities of the college. Candidates can go through the list of private medical institutions of Maharashtra with its fee structure. M.I.M.S.R. Medical College, Vishwanathpuram, Ambejogai Road, Dist. Latur

Are there any private medical colleges in India?

Cut-off- 150-510 For all Category . List Of Private Medical Deemed University Across India with Fee structure & Cut-off Marks Deemed University are autonomous University of India they have right to take their own decision about College,and they are self dependent.

Which is the best deemed university in India?

A deemed college or university is an institution that has gained the status of Deemed University through receiving recognition from the University Grants Commission (UGC) by the Medical Council of India (MCI) Question: Which deemed university is best?

Which is the Best Medical College in Nashik?

Dr Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital & Research Centre (VPMC Nashik) is one of the famous private medical college located in Nashik. Dr VPMC Nashik was founded in the year 1990. The College is popularly known as VPMC Nashik.