
How do you spell bear trap?

How do you spell bear trap?


  1. 1A trap designed to catch bears; especially one constructed of a pair of metal jaws which snap shut around the leg.
  2. 2Stock Market.
  3. 3 figurative Anything likened to a trap for bears, typically with respect to its powerful or immovable grip; especially an inescapable predicament, a painful constraint or obstruction.

Do totems scale with spell damage?

Jackalope_Gaming wrote: % spell and totem damage will be exactly the same. 10% spell damage is the same as 10% totem damage in this case. Because it’s a fire skill that can ignite, fire and elemental damage will scale both the initial hit and any ignite damage done.

How do you trigger traps in Path of Exile?

When a character uses a trap skill, he throws the trap to the target location. Characters have a base trap throwing speed of 0.5 seconds. Once a thrown trap lands on the ground it must arm itself before it can be triggered. While armed, a trap can be triggered by an enemy entering its trigger radius.

Do traps count as spells Poe?

Anything with “Spell” in the gem tags counts as a spell. EG lightning trap says “Lighting, Projectile, Trap, Spell, Duration” so it will be affected by those modifiers.

What is a bear trap in trading?

A bear trap is a false technical indication of a reversal from a down- to an up-market that can lure unsuspecting investors. A bear trap is often triggered by a decline that induces market participants to open short sales, which then lose value in a reversal when participants must cover the shorts.

Does bear trap work on bosses?

The trap is considered a metal structure, and cannot be harmed by anything but explosives, arthropleura or bosses The use of said explosives will also harm the dinosaur, however, there is a bug allowing dinosaurs that are attacking before the trap activates to destroy said trap.

Do totems count as you?

Certain skills allow the player to summon a totem ally. Depending on the skill, totem will then attack, cast spells, or project an aura for the player. Totems are also not considered party members. Any auras projected by the totem will affect all of the player’s allies, including minions and party members.

Do totems count as spells?

Totems, unlike minions, use skills as if you were using them yourself. So if your totem casts a damaging spell, it will benefit from your spell damage and whatever else is applicable: elemental, cast speed, AoE, etc. For example, I always use Iron Will with my spellcasting totems.

Can traps poison PoE?

Yes traps are still poisoning but you can´t get virulence this way.

Do traps reflect damage PoE?

All damage over time effects cannot be reflected. Damage dealt by a player’s totems, traps, mines, and minions will be reflected back to the totem/trap/mine/minion, not the player. Damage cannot be ReflectedPlace into an item socket of the right colour to gain this skill.

Does spell damage affect traps?

Traps, or more precisely Secrets, are Spells and are affected by Spell Damage, but in a slightly different way than usual. The bonus to damage dealt by Secrets is applied when it triggers, and not when it is being cast.

Does spell damage affect secrets?

Spell Damage boosts the damage dealt by healing spells affected by Auchenai Soulpriest and Embrace the Shadow, since they are turned into spells with damaging effects. Spell Damage boosts damaging Secrets (such as Eye for an Eye and Explosive Trap), since they are spells.

How does the bear trap work in path of exile?

Effectiveness of Added Damage: 260% Throws a trap that damages and immobilises a single enemy for a duration based on how much damage was dealt. After the immobilise expires, a debuff remains on the enemy for a duration, lowering their movement speed by an amount which lessens over time.

When do traps expire in path of exile?

Trap duration is specific to each trap skill. Most traps are triggered automatically when they expire, regardless of whether there are any enemies nearby. Exceptions include Bear Trap and Conversion Trap, which are simply destroyed when they expire. Trap duration is not affected by skill effect duration modifiers.

What are the best totem builds for path of exile?

Totem Builds – Delirium League – Path of Exile A collection of the best builds and guides for the online action role-playing game Path of Exile – Conquerors of the Atlas! Path of Exile – Delirium League – Totem Builds DuelistMarauderRangerScionShadowTemplarWitch Archive MeleeRangedSpellsMinionsTotemsTraps/MinesTriggersMisc. Ancestral Warchief

What do trigger gems do in path of exile?

Trigger gems: Traps and mines (and totems) will not work with “Cast on…” trigger gems, even if the trap/mine has a “Spell” type gem tag/keyword; the player places or throws the trap/mine, but the trap/mine is doing the actual spell-casting.