
How do I Socialise my pet rat?

How do I Socialise my pet rat?

Reassure your rat during handling.

  1. Talk to your rat in a soft voice throughout the handling session.
  2. Pet her gently while holding and talking to her.
  3. Keep the area as quiet as possible.
  4. Allow your rat to burrow to help her feel secure during the sessions.
  5. Give her another treat before you put her back in the cage.

How do you bond with dumbo rats?

Solidify the Bond Sit near their cage every day and talk to them. Open it up and pet them once they’re used to your hands. After they’ve been hand-tamed, rats should spend time daily in a secure playpen out of their cage. Hang out with them, pet them, speak to them, move their toys around and play with them.

Do Dumbo rats need a companion?

The dumbo is a mutation of the more common fancy rat, and therefore a domesticated brown or Norway rat. Like all rats, dumbos are social, so he should be kept with at least one same-sex pal.

How much does it cost to buy a Dumbo rat?

How Much Do Dumbo Rats Cost? If you’re looking to buy a dumbo rat from a breeder or pet store, you can expect to pay between $10 and $20, although certain colors of rat may cost a bit more. However, many pounds and small animal rescues take in dumbo rats as well, so you may be able to get one for free or for a small adoption fee.

What’s the best thing to do with a rat?

Rats are easily tamed pets that thrive on interaction and bond with their pet parent. They are social and are best kept in same-sex pairs. Rats are playful and enjoy a variety of toys and activities such as exercise wheels and anything that encourages climbing and exploration.

What kind of animal is a Dumbo rat?

Dumbo rats are friendly and agreeable creatures. They’re calm and inquisitive and can be affectionate with people they trust. They don’t mind being handled, although it may take a bit of time to warm them up to the idea. These animals are also extremely intelligent, and many people have taught their dumbos to do tricks.

What foods can I Feed my Fancy Dumbo rat?

Seeds and pellets can remain in their hiding spots. FRESH FOODS: Healthy, fresh fruits, vegetables and grains can also be fed to your rat. Offer these treats in small amounts, as they may cause diarrhea if fed in too great an amount. ** Please avoid feeding sugary treats such as yogurt drops or honey sticks to your rat.
