How do I look up a lawsuit in Massachusetts?
How do I look up a lawsuit in Massachusetts?
State Courthouses The public access PCs run the eAccess application and allow searches by name, case type, and case number. The search results display case information, including party, event, docket, and disposition details.
How much can you sue for in small claims court in Massachusetts?
Small claims courts provide a simple, informal and inexpensive option for resolving cases where the claim is $7,000 or less. You may only bring a small claim in the court for the location where either the plaintiff or the defendant lives or has a place of business or employment.
Is it worth going to small claims court for $500?
If your dispute is for slightly more than the limit, it may still be worth it to file a small claims suit. You won’t be able to sue for the full amount, but you’ll avoid the expense of a regular lawsuit. The small claims filing fee varies from state to state. It can be as cheap as twenty bucks, or as much as $200.
How do I file a claim in small claims court in Massachusetts?
To file suit, you must fill out a Statement of Claim and Notice form. Get this from the Small Claims Clerk in your district. Your claim may be filed in person or by mail….Filing your claim
- You may sue any person, business, partnership, or corporation.
- You can only sue for money in Small Claims Court.
Are court records public?
Excluding confidential records, public court records are available to anyone and may be used for news publications, academic research and non-profit organizations. They may not, however be used for commercial purposes of any nature.
How do I get court documents?
There are three ways to look at court records:
- Go to the courthouse and ask to look at paper records.
- Go to the courthouse and look at electronic court records.
- If your court offers it, look at electronic records over the internet. This is called “remote access.”
What is the lowest amount you can sue someone for?
As far as the minimum amount you can actually sue someone for, there is no limit. Legally, you can sue someone for any amount in court. The only criteria which has to be met, is that there is a valid cause of action. This refers to issues such as an unpaid debt.
What are the legal requirements for small claims court?
Small claims court is designed to help parties who do not have attorneys resolve their disputes quickly and inexpensively. In small claims court, claims must be less than $10,000. Small claims judges can only award money judgments. That means the judge can only order the other side to pay money (up to $10,000).