How do I find a company registry in Hong Kong?
How do I find a company registry in Hong Kong?
You can visit the Companies Registry’s 24×7 Cyber Search Centre ( to obtain information on all companies in the Companies Register (including dissolved companies) and image records of documents registered and kept by the Registrar of Companies.
How do I complain about a company in Hong Kong?
You may return the form by email to [email protected], by fax to (852) 2596 0585 or by mail to the Companies Registry, Customer Services Division, 14th Floor, Queensway Government Offices, 66 Queensway, Hong Kong.
How do I set up a company in Hong Kong?
Below are some steps to take in order to establish a new company in Hong Kong.
- Determine your company name.
- Choose a legal structure for your business.
- Register your company.
- Incorporate your business entity.
- Open a company account.
- Get permits and licenses.
- Hong Kong tax.
- Pensions and insurance requirements.
How do I find company information in Hong Kong?
You may conduct searches on the company’s particulars at the Cyber Search Centre of the Hong Kong Companies Registry where the following up-to-date information of registered companies can be found: Date of incorporation. Company status.
Does America have a Companies House?
THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA LIMITED – Overview (free company information from Companies House)
What is the verb of complaint?
complain. (intransitive) To express feelings of pain, dissatisfaction, or resentment. (intransitive) To make a formal accusation or bring a formal charge. To creak or squeak, as a timber or wheel.
Is it complaint or complain?
Complain and complaint are two words that are used to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something. The main difference between complain and complaint is that complain is a verb whereas complaint is a noun.
When should you register a company?
Whilst there are no real legalities as to how much time you have to set up your limited company after you have begun trading, it is recommended that you should have registered at least six months before the new tax year (April).
Do Hong Kong companies have tax ID?
Yes, the Business Registration Certificate number is the tax ID of a Hong Kong company.
Is Hong Kong still a home for business?
Hong Kong is still considered by businesses as the preferred headquarters location for managing the Greater China market. We have a sound regulatory system. The Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) commits itself to ensure Hong Kong’s monetary and financial stability by frequently consulting with counterparts in Asia on the soundness of the macroeconomic and financial sectors.
What is the general information in Hong Kong?
Hong Kong General Information. Since July 1, 1997 Hong Kong is a Special Administrative Region (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). It is a part of the Pearl River Delta region, one of the leading economic regions of China with high population density.
What is Hong Kong private limited company?
A Hong Kong Private Limited Company – or ‘private company limited by shares’ – is the most commonly used company type for small to medium-sized businesses or trading companies in Hong Kong. A Hong Kong private limited company is a separate legal entity and therefore protects the personal assets of shareholders from business liabilities.