
How do I file an ex parte in King County?

How do I file an ex parte in King County?

Call or email the Ex Parte Coordinator at 206-477-2517 or [email protected] and provide the cause number, case name, date and time of hearing, the name and phone number of the requesting party, and a brief reason for the request.

What is an ex parte filing?

An Ex Parte Motion is when one side gets to meet with the judge without the other side there. This can be to ask for an order. For example, if you cannot file and serve a Motion within the time limits required by law, you can ask the court for an Order Shortening Time For Service of Notice of Motion.

How do I file a motion in King County Superior Court?

You can file your case online on the Clerk’s website at: https://www.kingcounty.gov/courts/clerk/documents/efiling.aspx. The clerk’s office is responsible for the e-filing system. If you have questions about e-filing call 206-477-3000, or email [email protected].

What happens after ex parte order?

After the ex parte decree is set aside, the suit is again restored to file and parties are demoted to the position they held before the non-presence of the opposite party, and the court will take action with the suit de novo and determine on merits.

What is the purpose of an ex parte hearing?

The purpose of Ex Parte application is to prove that you, as a petitioner, need an urgent order because of an emergency situation. You will be granted an Ex Parte order by the judge if you manage to provide a strong affidavit and supporting documents.

Can you email court documents?

Anyone who is interested may email the NSW Online Registry ([email protected]).

What is a notice of disqualification?

A written disqualification (Notice of Determination or Determination/Ruling, DE 1080) is the method by which a claimant is formally denied benefits for failure to meet certain standards established by the Unemployment Insurance (UI) Code or its implementing regulations, Title 22.

How does a ex parte work?

An order that is issued ex parte means that it is issued without prior notice to the other parent, based only on your affidavit/testimony. If the judge issues an emergency ex parte order, the judge will schedule a hearing within 14 days2 and the respondent but be served at least 5 days before that hearing.

Can ex parte order overturned?

7. It shall be pertinent to note that even after passing of ex parte decree, the defendant can file an application under Order 9 Rule 13 C.P.C. to set aside the ex parte decree besides having a right to file an appeal against the ex parte decree without even seeking an order setting aside the ex parte decree.

What happens after ex parte?

What Happens After the Judge Reviews the Ex Parte Motion? The judge can grant the ex parte motion and issue a temporary order, such as a temporary full custody order or a temporary restraining order. Because the other party was not present, the order is only temporary.

How long does an ex parte last?

A temporary ex parte order lasts for the period of time stated in the order, usually up to 20 days. The temporary ex parte order can be extended for additional 20-day periods if you request it or if the judge decides to extend it, usually due to the fact that the respondent was not yet served.

How do you address an email to court?

These are addressed as “Sir” or “Madam”… Quite nice if there are more than one, when referring to the court as a whole is either to call it “the court” or say “you sir and you colleagues”. They are written to as “Dear Judge.” Almost invariably “my learned friend”.

How does King County Superior Court Ex parte work?

The King County Superior Court Ex Parte and Probate Department has adopted policy and procedures for the presentation of ex parte matters. Only certain matters (orders) may be presented at an in-person hearing and the remaining matters (orders) must be submitted to the Clerk’s Office for presentation. A process known as “Ex Parte via the Clerk.”

When do King County Superior Court Hearings start?

King County Superior Court will abide by all. Beginning Monday, January 11, 2021, the King County Superior Court Ex Parte department will begin conducting all hearings via the Zoom Platform. The Ex Parte Department will utilize the same ZOOM meeting ID for all hearings.

How to file an emergency order in King County Superior Court?

To read King County Superior Court Emergency Orders, click HERE. Full instructions on how to initiate a new probate case with an original will via e-filing and mail can be found here . The Probate cover sheet can be found here. To determine if a court matter must be heard in the Ex Parte and Probate Department, review Local Civil Rule 40.1 .

Where to find ex parte forms in Seattle?

Inquiries regarding Ex Parte via the Clerk can be directed to 206-477-0848 (Seattle) or 206-477-3047 (Kent). Additional information may be found online on the Clerk’s Ex Parte via the Clerk webpage. View court records, click HERE.
