
How can I check my vehicle registration details?

How can I check my vehicle registration details?

Find Vehicle Registration Details with an SMS

  1. Type VAHAN vehicle’s registration number.
  2. Send it to 7738299899.

How do I check my VAHAN details online?

Step 1: Visit the official website of VAHAN to check the vehicle owner name. Step 2: On top of the page, click on ‘Know Your Vehicle Details’. (at Top Navigation menu) Step 3: On the new page, enter the vehicle registration number (Car or Bike Plate Number).

How do I check if my bike is registered?

STEP 1: The first step is visiting the official VAHAN website. STEP 2: Click on “Know Your Vehicle Details” at the top navigation menu on the website. STEP 3: Enter the Vehicle Registration Number, or the plate number of the bike for which you may want to find out information.

How can I track my RC status?

Ideally, your RC is delivered at your doorstep within 7 days. But if you want to check your RC status, then visit this link parivahan.gov.in/rcdl status and enter your registration number and the status will be displayed on the screen.

How can I change my registered mobile number in vehicle registration?

The details that you need to fill in are: Your car’s Registration/ Vehicle No., Full Chassis No. and your Vehicle’s Engine No. After you have filled in all the 3 blanks, click on “show details”. After the details shown, you can update/ change your mobile number in Vehicle Registration easily.

How do I check my Vahan registration by SMS?

To use the service, all you have to do is sms VAHAN the vehicle’s registration number (upper case letters with no spaces), and send it to 7738299899.

How do I find out my registration number?

How to Find the Registration Number on a Car Registration

  1. Locate your car certificate of registration.
  2. Spot where your car registration document says “Plate Number” or “Registration Number.” This information is located in the top left-hand corner of your vehicle registration.

How do I check my motorcycle registration via SMS?

Process of Vehicle Registration through SMS in Punjab

  1. Using your mobile phone, open the SMS window.
  2. Enter your vehicle’s registration number and send it to 8785.

How can I track my RC smart card?

https://vahan.parivahan.gov.in/vahanservice/vahan/ui/statevalidation/homepage.xhtml, Now select your state and open new page. select state, RTO then click on proceed button. On this page, you have click on the Status tab. This provides different options from which you need to select Know your application status option.

How can I check my RC details online?

STEP 1: Visit the Vahan Jankari application. STEP 2: Navigate to the “Registration Jankari” section. STEP 3: Enter the Registration Number when prompted. STEP 4: You will then be presented with the RC details of the vehicle as well as the owner details if you have entered accurate details.

How can I change my registered mobile number in parivahan?

How to register a private vehicle in Uttar Pradesh?

Moreover, the documents required for the registration of a private vehicle with RTO Uttar Pradesh includes Most of the services for RTO Uttar Pradesh are available online.

How to change RTO registration in Uttar Pradesh?

You have just seen the list of different types of registration offered by RTO Uttar Pradesh. Even change in address is a type of registration and you get a new registration certificate for that. So basically, the process of registration changes with the type of registration you need.

Which is the official website of Uttar Pradesh state road transport?

Official Website of Uttar Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India. Alert In case of transaction failure / cancel ticket refunds please do not share your banking credentials (OTP, Login, UPI / Card details, Card Expiry Date, etc..). UPSRTC Executive will never ask you for these banking details.

How to change the address in RC in Uttar Pradesh?

To change the address on RC, you need to have the documents listed below. Submit these documents at RTO Uttar Pradesh along with the form for the change of address and the required fee to get the address changed on Registration Certificate.