
Can you breed Dragonite?

Can you breed Dragonite?

Like most Dragon-types, Dragonite can breed with several Pokemon outside of its typing. The most prominent Pokemon Dragonite can breed with are those in the Water 1 egg group, which includes Blastoise, the Slowpoke line, Intelleon, Gastrodon, and Drednaw.

How do you get Dragonite in leaf green?

Dratini can be caught in any of the four areas of the Safari Zone. Throw your line out into any body of water you see to start fishing. There is a 15% chance that the Pokémon you catch will be a Dratini. When you hook a Pokémon, you will need to press the A button to set the hook, otherwise the Pokémon will get away.

Can you breed Pokemon in leaf green?

1 Answer. There are two daycares. The one on Route 5 can only have one Pokemon at a time, so it is only useful for leveling up. Once you defeat the Elite 4 you can go to Four Island, which has a Day Care that allows for two Pokemon, allowing you to breed.

How do you get Dragonite dragon dance?


  1. Level the male HA Dratini up until it learns Dragon Dance, and then breed it with the female Dratini. That way, you will get an offspring Dratini that will always have Dragon Dance, and a high chance it will have Marvel Scale.
  2. Any male dragon group Pokemon will work that knows dragon dance.

Can Dragonite breed with Dragonite?

You cannot breed a dragonite and get a dragonite. You can only get a dratini.

What does a shiny Dratini look like?

Shiny Dratini is pink, shiny Dragonaire is extra pink, and then for some reason, shiny Dragonite is actually green, though I suppose that makes sense given the color scheme of the originals, and how it changes after the first two. So yes, you’re going to want to go outside today and catch Dratini until you find one.

Can dragonite learn fly?

Dragonite, the Dragon Pokémon. This extremely rare and highly intelligent type is able to fly faster than any known Pokémon.

How do you get an egg in leaf green?


  1. You can make them by going to 4 island and putting a ditto with any other pokemon. User Info: see_you_die4.
  2. By breeding Pokemon at the Island 4 Daycare, and you are given a Tegepi Egg in the Water Maze of Island 5 if you have an open spot in your team and a Happy Pokemon in the lead. User Info: RaikouTGC.

Is dragon dance good for Dragonite?

Dragonite’s Best Movesets In Other Games Dragon Dance is an excellent offensive buff for a physical sweep like Dragonite as it raises Attack and Speed by 1 stage each.

Can dragonite learn Swords Dance?

yr:dragonite learns swords dance.

Can Dragonite breed with Dratini?

Can you breed a Dragonite with a Dratini?

Um, breed your dragonite with either another female from his evo line, and you get the lowest evo form, dratini. Breed a male whatever with dragon dance, with female dratini, dragonair/nite, and voila. You can breed your Dragonite insteads of a Dratini. Unless you mean your Dragonite is male.

When does a Dragonite evolve in Pokemon Crystal?

Dragonite ( Japanese: カイリュー Kairyu) is a dual-type Dragon / Flying pseudo-legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation I . It evolves from Dragonair starting at level 55. It is the final form of Dratini .

Where do you find Dragonite in Pokemon platinum?

A Dragonite appeared in The Last Battle XIII as one of the Pokémon sent to participate in the fight in Ilex Forest. Ultima has a Dragonite, which first appeared in Old Ultima Puts Them to the Test. Argenta’s Dragonite was used to battle Platinum at the Battle Hall in Dealing with Dragonite.

Is there a breeding guide for Pokemon LeafGreen?

Beginners Breeding Guide 4. Egg Groups 5. Egg Moves 6. Breeding Chains for Egg Moves 7. Move Fathers 8. Credits