Are Space A flights available?
Are Space A flights available?
Note: Effective March 21, 2020, Air Mobility Command temporarily suspended most Space-A travel due to COVID-19. Service members and their families can use Space-Available flights – formally known as Military Airlift Command or MAC flights – to travel around the country and world at little to no cost.
How much do Space A flights cost?
On the day that billionaire Amazon and Blue Origin founder Jeff Bezos goes to space it’s worth knowing that a ticket to reach space can cost as much as $55 million for a “proper” orbital flight and a visit to the International Space Station (ISS)—and as little as nothing at all.
Where can I find Space flights?
Space Available Flight: Gateways
- Baltimore-Washington IAP, Maryland.
- Dover AFB, Delaware.
- Fairchild AFB, Washington.
- Jacksonville NAS, Florida.
- JB Andrews, Maryland.
- JB Charleston, South Carolina.
- JB Lewis-McChord, Washington.
- JB McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, New Jersey.
Can DoD civilians fly Space A?
DoD civilian employees must be in a leave or nonduty (i.e., weekend or holiday) status to register for space-available travel. Space A travel may not be used to establish a home or when international or theater restrictions prohibit such travel.
Where can I find a flight schedule for space a?
Since the events of 9/11 less and less flight information is being provided in advance online but here are some schedule sources: One way to get schedule information is to phone/visit the terminal and ask the PSAs about their nominal schedules. Typically they will only give you info on flights departing within the next 72 hours.
Where does space a fly to from BWI?
Most Space-A passengers can fly to or from only two destinations via BWI: Ramstein AB, Germany and JB McGuire. The AMC terminal at BWI has two missions per week to Ramstein and one per week to JB McGuire. In general, all Space-A passengers are eligible to take those flights.
When do you find out if you have space on an AMC flight?
Space-A seats are normally identified as early as 3-4 hours and as late as 30 minutes prior to departure. Recommend you check with the passenger service center for the space available show time for your flight prior to departing the terminal. Be ready for immediate processing and boarding.
When is space travel suspended for military families?
Note: Effective March 21, 2020, Air Mobility Command temporarily suspended most Space-A travel due to COVID-19. Service members and their families can use Space-Available flights – formally known as Military Airlift Command or MAC flights – to travel around the country and world at little to no cost.