
Are Pa game wardens State Police?

Are Pa game wardens State Police?

The main workforce of the Pennsylvania Game Commission are Game Wardens, formerly known as Wildlife Conservation Officers (and originally Game Protectors). Game Wardens serve as sworn law enforcement officers for wildlife crimes, enforcing the hunting/trapping and conservation laws.

How much do PA Game wardens make a year?

Game wardens in Pennsylvania take home a great salary while pursuing a fulfilling career protecting fish and game in their state. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average game warden in the state of Pennsylvania makes a median salary between 40,000 and 60,000 per year.

Do PA Game wardens carry guns?

On the books (The Pennsylvania Game Code), in Section 901(a)(8) provides Game Commission officers the authority to “conduct administrative inspections of persons, licenses and permits, firearms, ammunition and other implements of taking, game bags, game, meat poles, tags, clothing, waterfowl blinds, decoys, tree stands …

What is the Department of Fish and games?

The Department of Fish and Game is responsible for conserving the Commonwealth’s natural resources while also providing outdoor recreation opportunities to the public. We also issue licenses for hunting, trapping, recreational fishing, and commercial fishing.

Who are the Game Commission officers in Pennsylvania?

Although Commission officers in Pennsylvania may have a home base of operations as designated by the Pennsylvania Game Commission and Fish and Boat Commission, their jurisdiction is statewide.

Where to report a fish kill in Ma?

To report a fish kill, call 1-800-632-8075 (MA Environmental Police). The Hunter Education Program is o pen M-F from 8 a.m.– 4 p.m. and is located at MassWildlife’s Field Headquarters, 1 Rabbit Hill Road, Westborough, MA 01581.

How to get a fishing permit in Massachusetts?

Buy your saltwater fishing permit, learn how and where to fish, and find out about the rules. See hunting regulations for different game animals, get hunting tips, and learn about classes that will prepare you to hunt safely and successfully.