
Are black cardamom pods edible?

Are black cardamom pods edible?

Green cardamom pods have small black seeds inside; both pod and seeds are edible. The flavor is lightly sweet. Black cardamom is quite fragrant and has a pungent, almost smoky flavor….

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How do you cook with cardamom pods?

If your recipe calls for whole pods, lightly toast them in a pan over medium heat until they’re aromatic, and remember to take them out before serving. Other recipes will call for the seeds—break open the pods and grind them up yourself for the best flavor.

Can ground cardamom be used instead of pods?

The cardamom pods contain tiny, spicy sweet seeds that you need to remove from the pods and crush before using in a recipe. In place of 5 cardamom pods (with the seeds removed and crushed), you can use 1/4 teaspoon ground cardamom .

Can I eat cardamom pods whole?

You can definitely use cardamom pods whole. You’ll see this in a lot of Indian or Middle Eastern recipes, especially with pilaf-type dishes. The idea is to lightly scent the dish without giving it an intense cardamom flavor. (Compare it to whole cinnamon sticks or cloves.) You’re not intended to eat them whole,…

What are some good uses for cardamom?

The seeds and oil from the seeds are used to make medicine. Cardamom is used for digestion problems including heartburn, intestinal spasms, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), diarrhea, constipation, liver and gallbladder complaints, and loss of appetite.

What to cook with cardamom?

Some sweet dish ideas on how to cook with cardamom pods could include. Adding to Ice-Cream. Rice Pudding with Cardamom. Fruit Salads. Breakfast Oats with Cardamom. Cardamom Apple Pie or Crumble. Pumpkin Pie with Cardamom. Muffins and Cookies.