
Why is cobalt-60 no longer used?

Why is cobalt-60 no longer used?

Because it decays by gamma radiation, external exposure to Co-60 can increase cancer risk. Most Co-60 that is ingested is excreted in feces; however, a small amount is absorbed by the liver, kidneys and bones.

How long does it take for cobalt-60 to decay?

about 5.3 years
The time required for a radioactive substance to lose 50 percent of its radioactivity by decay is known as the half-life. The half-life of cobalt-60 is about 5.3 years.

What happens if you are exposed to cobalt-60?

Because it decays by gamma radiation, external exposure to large sources of Co-60 can cause skin burns, acute radiation sickness, or death.

What problem does cobalt-60 solve?

Cobalt-60 is used in the inspection of materials to reveal internal structure, flaws, or foreign objects and in the sterilization of food. In medicine, it is used to treat cancer and to sterilize medical equipment.

What happens to the body when exposed to Cobalt 60?

Cobalt-60 absorbed by the liver, kidneys, or bone tissue can cause cancer from internal exposure to gamma radiation. Mishandling of a large industrial source of Co-60 could result in an external exposure large enough to cause skin burns, acute radiation sicknessradiation sickness A serious illness that can happen…

What kind of radiation can you get from Cobalt 60?

Co-60 is a hard, gray-blue metal. It resembles iron or nickel. How can it hurt me? Because it decays by gamma radiation, external exposure to large sources of Co-60 can cause skin burns, acute radiation sickness, or death.

How is Cobalt 60 formed in nuclear reactors?

Cobalt-60 is a byproduct of nuclear reactor operations. It is formed when metal structures, such as steel rods, are exposed to neutron radiation. Beta Particles Beta Particle A form of particulate ionizing radiation made up of small, fast-moving particles.

How is radioactive Co-60 used in medicine?

Radioactive Co-60 is produced commercially through linear acceleration for use in medicine and industry. Co-60 also is a byproduct of nuclear reactor operations, when metal structures, such as steel rods, are exposed to neutron radiation. What form is it in?