Why does thalassemia cause basophilic stippling?
Why does thalassemia cause basophilic stippling?
The presence of basophilic stippling is attributed to aggregates of ribosomes or fragments of ribosomal RNA precipitated throughout the cytoplasm of circulating erythrocytes. This finding is associated with acquired and heritable hematologic disorders affecting erythropoiesis and erythrocyte maturation.
Is basophilic stippling normal?
Basophilic stippling is indicative of disturbed erythropoiesis. It can also be found in some normal individuals.
Are Heinz bodies normal in cats?
Heinz bodies are normally present in healthy cats, but their presence in other species is unhealthy. Heinz body formation can lead to three presentations. Firstly extensive formation of Heinz bodies and attachment to membranes increases their rigidity and renders them susceptible to fragmentation in the spleen.
What causes Heinz bodies in cats?
Causes of oxidation and Heinz body formation in cats can include diabetes mellitus, lymphoma, hyperthyroidism, genetic enzyme disorders, toxins, drugs, and mineral deficiency.
How are Pappenheimer bodies different from other basophilic bodies?
Pappenheimer bodies must be distinguished with other basophilic granules inside erythrocytes like the basophilic stippling. Contrary to the latter, they contain iron. In 1945, Alwin Max Pappenheimer Jr. et al. described three patients whose red blood cells, after splenectomy, showed inclusions when stained with Giemsa stain or Wright’s stain.
When does basophilic stippling occur in a dog?
Basophilic stippling may occur with regenerative anemias in both dogs and cats and commonly with lead poisoning. Make sure to distinguish basophilic stippling from siderotic inclusions (see below).
When do you have a Pappenheimer body?
Pappenheimer bodies are a type of erythrocyte inclusions that contain iron. They are small debris or iron-containing granules that are normally destroyed before erythrocytes enter the peripheral circulation in a healthy person with a normal spleen. Therefore, pappenheimer bodies are seen in patients who don’t have a spleen (post-splenectomy),.
What makes up Pappenheimer bodies in red blood cells?
Pappenheimer bodies are abnormal basophilic granules of iron found inside red blood cells on routine blood stain. They are a type of inclusion body composed of ferritin aggregates, or mitochondria or phagosomes containing aggregated ferritin.