Why did Voyager carry Tricobalt devices?
Why did Voyager carry Tricobalt devices?
Since tri-cobalt weapons are super-high yield explosives, the weapons are probably used as high-yield artillery explosives, possibly as mines against chasing starships, or for disrupting subspace preventing ships from easily accessing subspace, at least temporarily.
What is a tricobalt device?
A tricobalt device, also known as a tricobalt charge or tricobalt warhead, was a type of tricobalt explosive device utilized as a missile. (DS9: “Blaze of Glory”) At extremely high yields, they were capable of producing disruptions or even ruptures in subspace. (VOY: “The Voyager Conspiracy”).
What is the yield of a photon torpedo?
The energy output of a photon torpedo, according to the Star Trek Technical Manuals is a maximum theoretical yield of 25 isotons and a maximum rated yield of 18.5 isotons.
Are photon torpedoes possible?
The technology of photon torpedoes is quite possibly a Science Fact, though there are severe limitations, which make photon torpedoes less likely a possibility than phasers. Photon torpedoes on Star Trek are famed for their accuracy and maneuverability; they track down and destroy their targets with deadly precision.
How big is the explosion yield of tricobalt?
The thermokinetic explosion yield of tricobalt was measured in tons or by the amount of subspace distortion they produced, in cochranes. ( DS9: ” Trials and Tribble-ations “; ENT: ” Minefield “; VOY: ” The Voyager Conspiracy “)
What was The tricobalt device used for in Star Trek?
A tricobalt device is a high-yield explosive used rarely by the United Federation of Planets and that were monitored under the auspices of the Second Khitomer Accords. In 2155 in the mirror universe, the Tholians use tricobalt devices to create an interphasic rift through which they sent a distress call in order to draw ships to them.
When to use a yield sign at an intersection?
The YIELD sign may be used at unsignalized intersections where conditions are such that a full stop is not always required. Roundabouts and mini-roundabouts represent the only intersections at which YIELD signs are installed along all approaches, as approaching traffic is required to yield to traffic within the circular roadway.
When did the Enterprise get hit by tricobalt?
In 2267 the Enterprise was “classified destroyed” by Eminian computers which registered a theoretical hit by a tricobalt satellite from neighboring Vendikar ( TOS: ” A Taste of Armageddon “).