
Who is the richest family on General Hospital?

Who is the richest family on General Hospital?

The Quartermaine family
The Quartermaine family is a fictional family from the ABC soap opera, General Hospital. Created and introduced by Douglas Marland, the wealthy and eccentric family has been a continuous staple on General Hospital since their introduction in the 1970s.

Who was Eric Quartermaine?

Jimmy Lee Holt
Wiki Targeted (Entertainment)

Jimmy Lee Holt
Birth name Eric Quartermaine
Namesake(s) “J.L. Holt”
Nickname(s) J (by Monica)
Ethnicity English-American

What happened to the Quartermaine house on General Hospital?

That summer Ned Ashton and Dawn Winthrop hold their wedding in the mansion, however when it was discovered Ned slept with Monica (who was Dawn’s mother). Dawn left Ned at the wedding reception with Decker Moss. Ned eventually took residence in the Quartermaine gatehouse with his mother Tracy.

Who are Edward Quartermaine children?

Edward is the son of George and Ida Quartermaine, and the grandson of Edgar and Martha Quartermaine. Lila is the daughter of Harold Morgan. They have two children together: son Alan, who died in 2007; and daughter Tracy. Edward also has an illegitimate son with mistress Beatrice LeSeur, Jimmy Lee Holt.

Where is the Quartermaine mansion on General Hospital?

The Quartermaine Mansion is the home of the wealthy Quartermaine family. It also features living quarters for several members of the extended family in Port Charles, New York. The mansion was first introduced in 1978, when Alan Quartermaine purchased it for his wife, Monica after their wedding.

Who is the owner of the Quartermaine mansion?

Derek Barrington bought the mansion and the Quartermaines, had to rent rooms above Kelly’s Diner. With the help of the family house keeper, Stella Fields, Lila is able to build the Quartermaines fortune back with a new business called Pickle-Lila.

When did the Quartermaine family come to Port Charles?

The family came to Port Charles in 1977 when their son Alan decided to stay at General Hospital as a physician and bought what is now known as the Quartermaine Mansion for his new wife Monica as a wedding present (the mansion would not see a redesign until 2019).

How did the Quartermaine boathouse get its name?

The Quartermaine boathouse made its debut when Lucy Coe thought she was meeting Alan there for a secret assignment but was met by escaped convict Victor Jerome instead. When Lucy rejected his appeal to go on the run with her, Jerome impulsively swallowed a locket he had made for her and choked to death.