
Who can complete Section K of MDS?

Who can complete Section K of MDS?

Certified Dietary Managers (CDM) may complete Section K Swallowing and Nutritional Status Items 0200-0700, when documentation is present in their personnel file that they have received additional education from a Licensed Dietitian on those items and their application.

What is the MDS 3.0 assessment?

The Minimum Data Set (MDS) is a standardized uniform comprehensive assessment of all residents in Medicare or Medicaid certified facilities mandated by federal law (P.L. The MDS identifies potential resident problems, strengths and preferences. …

What is the RAI manual?

RAI Manual The Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI) helps nursing home staff in gathering definitive information on a resident’s strengths and needs, which must be addressed in an individualized care plan. Interdisciplinary use of the RAI promotes this emphasis on quality of care and quality of life.

Which is the PDF version of MDS 3.0?

A single PDF file titled MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.7.1_October 2019, provides the entire RAI manual for use as an electronic version with bookmarks that you can click on to take you to each section of the manual.

How are medications coded in the MDS 3.0 errata?

Coding: Medications in N0410, would be coded as follows: A. Antipsychotic = 3, reisperidone is an antipsychotic medication, B. Antianxiety = 7, lorazepam is an antianxiety medication, and D. Hypnotic t= 2, emazepam is a hypnotic medication.

When does MDS 3.0 Rai manual v1.17.1 release?

This page contains the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual v1.17.1 and MDS forms, effective October 1, 2019. This version of the MDS 3.0 RAI Manual incorporates clarifications to existing coding and transmission policy; it also addresses clarifications and scenarios concerning complex areas.

When did CMS post draft of MDS 3.0 item set?

In December of 2019, CMS posted a draft of the MDS 3.0 item set v1.18.0 and received feedback from our stakeholders. We would like to thank the stakeholders for sharing their concerns regarding the proposed changes to the MDS 3.0 item sets and more specifically the removal of the Section G items from OBRA assessments.