
Which is better totodile or cyndaquil?

Which is better totodile or cyndaquil?

Cyndaquil is strong against Bug, Fire, Grass, Ice and Steel Type moves. Totodile is strong against Fire, Ice, Water and Steel moves. Cyndaquil is stronger against more types than the other starters, which is a plus, but out of all the Types Fire is strong against, only Ice, Fire, and Grass really come up a lot.

What’s the best team for Pokémon Silver?

Most potent team for Pokemon Gold and Silver

  • #1 – Typhlosion. Typhlosion will be quite powerful (Image via Pokemon Wiki)
  • #2 – Ampharos. Ampharos can assist Typhlosion (Image via Bulbapedia)
  • #3 – Lapras. Lapras can be useful against a variety of types (Image via TonsofFacts)
  • #4 – Espeon.
  • #5 – Heracross.

Where is the best place to train your Pokémon in SoulSilver?

Route 33 is better in SoulSilver, but Union Cave 1F in HeartGold. The former also has slightly higher-leveled Pokémon, but if you’re playing SoulSilver you can also use Union Cave if you’re having difficulties on Route 33. If you need even lower-leveled, Viridian Forest works, especially at night.

Why totodile is the best starter?

Totodile Totodile’s best stats are attack and defense, followed by average HP and special defense. Because it’s a water type it has less weaknesses. And compared to most water type starter Pokemon, Totodile can learn moves such as Dragon Claw, dragon pulse (by breeding), crunch and a range of other move-sets.

What is the best team for Kanto?

Our Pokémon Go Kanto Cup recommendations from Ninetails to Dragonair

  • Ninetails. Type: Fire-type.
  • Wigglytuff. Type: Normal and fairy-type.
  • Vileplume. Type: Grass and poison-type.
  • Dewgong. Type: Water and ice-type.
  • Alolan Muk. Type: Poison and dark-type.
  • Alolan Marowak. Type: Fire and ghost-type.
  • Snorlax. Type: Normal-type.
  • Dragonair.

What is the best Gen 2 team?

Pokémon: Making The Perfect Gen II Team

  1. 1 Blissey.
  2. 2 Espeon.
  3. 3 Skarmory.
  4. 4 Scizor.
  5. 5 Azumarill.
  6. 6 Tyranitar. This pseudo-legendary is a powerful force to have on your team thanks to its ability to suit either a defensive or offensive role depending on the needs of your team.

Can you get all 3 starters in Heartgold?

Conduct a trade between the two games, trading the Pokemon you don’t mind losing for the starter Pokemon. Now you can trade them to your other Pokemon game and get your first two starters back. Congratulations! You now have all three starters in “SoulSilver” or Heartgold”!

Can I get Charmander in SoulSilver?

In Heart Gold & Soul Silver, these Pokémon are obtained by visiting Steven Stone in Silph Co. in Saffron City after you have defeated Red. He will compliment you, ask you what colour stone you’d pick and then provide you one of these Pokémon based on the colour. As with all starters, they will be at Level 5.

What Pokemon gives the most EXP?

1 Answer. It’s Blissey. > Blissey has the highest base experience yield out of any Pokémon, with 608 (255 in Generation IV and previous, where it still held the title along with Happiny, Chansey and Arceus).

Where should I train before the Elite Four in soul silver?

I would just recommend battling on the route before Victory Road. It’s teeming with trainers, and they will sometimes ask for rematches if you give your number. Battle with all your Pokemon to evenly LV them up, but don’t sweat it with Typlosion.