
Where was the La Tene culture?

Where was the La Tene culture?

The term “La Tène” refers to a late Iron Age Celtic culture, roughly centred in Switzerland, which was practised widely across Europe from the Atlantic to the Black Sea. In Western Europe, its evolution and historical development was roughly coincident with the fate of the Celts themselves.

Where is La Tène?

Lake Neuchâtel
La Tène, (French: The Shallows), archaeological site at the eastern end of Lake Neuchâtel, Switz., the name of which has been extended to distinguish the Late Iron Age culture of European Celts.

What was the La Tène style?

The La Tène style is a type of art that was prevalent in Central Europe and the British Isles and later survived in Britain. It is characterized by the emphasis on repeating patterns and abstract elements, including geometric patterns and curvilinear patterns, with a lot of spiral forms and interlacing forms.

When was the La Tene culture?

5th century bc
La Tène culture originated in the mid-5th century bc, when the Celts came into contact with Greek and Etruscan influences from south of the Alps. This culture passed through several phases and regional variations during the next four centuries as the Celts expanded throughout most…

Who were the La Tene people?

The bearers of the La Tène culture were the people known as Celts or Gauls to ancient ethnographers. Ancient Celtic culture had no written literature of its own, but rare examples of epigraphy in the Greek or Latin alphabets exist allowing the fragmentary reconstruction of Continental Celtic.

Where are the Celts?

It’s believed that the Celtic culture started to evolve as early as 1200 B.C. The Celts spread throughout western Europe—including Britain, Ireland, France and Spain—via migration. Their legacy remains most prominent in Ireland and Great Britain, where traces of their language and culture are still prominent today.

What does the term La Tene mean?

designating the period or culture of the late Iron Age typified by the structural remains, swords, tools, utensils, etc., found at La Tène. …

Is La Tene Celtic?

What happened to the Celts?

Beginning with the reign of Julius Caesar in the first century B.C., the Romans launched a military campaign against the Celts, killing them by the thousands and destroying their culture in much of mainland Europe.

When did the La Tene culture start and end?

The La Tène culture ( /ləˈtɛn/; French pronunciation: ​[la tɛn]) was a European Iron Age culture. It developed and flourished during the late Iron Age (from about 450 BCE to the Roman conquest in the 1st century BCE), succeeding the early Iron Age Hallstatt culture without any definite cultural break,…

What kind of art did the La Tene culture use?

LA TÈNE ART. The European Iron Age, termed the Hallstatt culture after a major Austrian site, began in the latter part of the eighth century b.c. At this early stage the embellishment of items of metal and pottery (and also, though less often preserved, of such organic materials as textiles) was largely geometric, although animals and birds,…

Where was the eastern part of La Tene located?

In the east the western end of the old Hallstatt core area in modern Bavaria, Czechia, Austria and Switzerland formed a somewhat separate “eastern style Province” in the early La Tène, joining with the western area in Alsace.

What was the La Tene culture during the Iron Age?

The La Tene culture is what archaeologists call the barbarians of central Europe, who harassed the Greek and Romans during the European Iron Age. The La Tene culture is what archaeologists call the barbarians of central Europe, who harassed the Greek and Romans during the European Iron Age. Menu Home European Iron Age La Tène Culture Search