
Where should I quest at level 80?

Where should I quest at level 80?

Level Breakdown

  • Jade Forest (80-90)
  • Valley of the Four Winds (81-90)
  • Krasarang Wilds (81-90)
  • Kun-Lai Summit (82-90)
  • Townlong Steppes (83-90)
  • Dread Wastes (84-90)

What zones were added in Cataclysm?

Seven new high-level zones: Mount Hyjal and Uldum in Kalimdor; Vashj’ir and the Twilight Highlands in the Eastern Kingdoms; Deepholm in the elemental plane of earth; the PvP zone and daily quest hub Tol Barad; and, added in patch 4.2, the daily quest hub zone Molten Front.

Where are the Cataclysm zones?

Cataclysm returns players to the two continents of Azeroth for most of their campaigning, after years away in Outland and Northrend, opening new zones such as Mount Hyjal, the sunken world of Vashj’ir, Deepholm, Uldum and the Twilight Highlands.

How long does it take to level in Cataclysm?

Otherwise, players trying to quest through Cataclysm should expect to put in 20 hours before reaching level 50.

What do you do when you hit level 80 in Wotlk?

Keep questing. Once you turn level 80, quests reward more gold in lieu of experience. By continuing to quest, you’ll rack up gold faster, earn quest- and reputation-reward gear (sell or disenchant what you can’t use along the way) – oh, yes, and experience Wrath’s unparalleled cinematic events. Build your rep.

Is hyjal part of Cataclysm?

Mount Hyjal is a region of Cataclysm, and a mountain located in Northern Kalimdor. Hyjal is under heavy siege by Ragnaros, who is trying to destroy the World Tree located in the mountain’s summit, Nordrassil.

Did GBOY hack Cataclysm?

Fast forward, and Ggb0y had invested over 80,000 attempts to try and verify the level, but still couldn’t beat it, so he hack-verified Cataclysm.

Is Hyjal part of Cataclysm?

How fast is leveling in Shadowlands?

Leveling Speed in Shadowlands. In Shadowlands, leveling will progress about 80-100% faster for 1-50, compared to the time it now takes to get from 1-120. Leveling speed for 50-60 takes a huge leap forward, so you will not fly through the levels.

How are the zones classified in Wow cataclysm?

Zones by level (Cataclysm) Zones Zones Zones Classified by Classified by Classified by Level Location Faction Inaccessible Inaccessible Inaccessible Lore Future Closed

Why are the cataclysm zones located next to each other?

The zones are located next to each other, so you save travel time. For Cataclysm zones, you will have to portal back to your capital city. There are more zones to choose between if you get bored of a story and want a different zone. Cataclym’s Vash’jir is also entirely underwater and is not everyone’s cup of tea to navigate.

What happens when you level up to 80 in Cataclysm?

At level 80, you can further train to increase flying speed to 310%. Master Riding costs 5,000 from a Riding trainer. Your base heirlooms stop scaling at level 60, so you must upgrade them in order to receive increased stats while leveling in these 80-90 zones.

Where are the new quests in Cataclysm?

The first, known simply as Tol Barad, is where the battle happens and where the special dailies and the raid are. The second area, Tol Barad Peninsula, is where the standard set of daily quests can be found. The previously inaccessible (technically…) zone will finally be added as a new leveling zone for level 80-82 players.