
Where is the SpamAssassin configuration file?

Where is the SpamAssassin configuration file?

Configuration File Locations The SpamAssassin configuration files live by default in /usr/share/spamassassin and /etc/mail/spamassassin. Note that all files with a . cf extension are read in alphabetically at spamassassin startup time.

How do I configure SpamAssassin?

How to Configure the SpamAssassin Score Setting

  1. Click the ‘Spam Filters’ link on the main cPanel dashboard. Click on “Spam Filters”
  2. Click on the ‘Spam Threshold Score’ link.
  3. Adjust the Spam Threshold Score to your desired level.

How do I install SpamAssassin on Windows?

To install SpamAssassin as a Windows Service:

  1. If necessary, download and install SpamAssassin for Windows.
  2. Download and install AlwaysUp, if necessary.
  3. Start AlwaysUp.
  4. Select Application > Add to open the Add Application window:
  5. On the General tab:

How do I check SpamAssassin logs?

The basis on which spamassassin has evaluated the content of a mail message is found in the headers of the message. You can also find logging for spamd in /var/log/maillog.

Where do I find the configuration file for SpamAssassin?

DESCRIPTION SpamAssassin is configured using traditional UNIX-style configuration files, loaded from the /usr/share/spamassassinand /etc/mail/spamassassindirectories. The #character starts a comment, which continues until end of line.

How to install onwindows-SpamAssassin-Apache Software?

Copy the backed up configuration files into the site configuration folder, probably c:\\perl\\site\\etc\\mail\\spamassassin. Make a test folder. Copy sample-spam.txt and sample-nonspam.txt to that folder. Open a command prompt to that folder. Test the two files.

Is there a port of SpamAssassin for Windows?

SpamAssassin is a project of the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) and has been ported for Windows by JAM Software. Using a MTA (Message Transfer Agent) in combination with SpamAssassin for Windows provides you a very effective anti-spam solution.

Is there a pre compiled version of SpamAssassin?

Information on running SpamD on Windows: SpamdOnWindows You’ll also find a pre compiled version of SpamAssassin for Windows that can simply be extracted and run here: Note: The instructions below describe an obsolete procedure using tools which may no longer be available.