
Where is the shawarma scene from Avengers?

Where is the shawarma scene from Avengers?

Well it’s here! Previously called Elat Burger, Shalom Grill is home to where the Avengers ate Shawarma. Located at 9340 W. Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90035.

Was the Avengers shawarma scene improvised?

Did you know the shawarma scene at the end of The Avengers movie was created by an improvised line by Robert Downey Jr.? It was shot well after the rest of the movie, you can even see Chris Evans hiding his beard that he was growing for Snowpiercer.

What food did Tony Stark say he wanted at the end of the 1st Avengers movie?

Having defeated the Chitauri, Tony Stark suggested taking a vacation and trying shawarma at the Shawarma Palace, a nearby establishment, but Thor noted that they had not finished yet. Together, the six Avengers went to confront Loki, who surrendered and now accepted the drink Iron Man offered him earlier.

Why was Chris Evans covering his face in the shawarma scene?

He was called in later to do this extra scene, and couldn’t shave off his beard, due to filming Snowpiercer (2013) at the time, so they gave him a prosthetic jaw. He holds his hand over his face because the prosthetic made him look like he’d been attacked by a hive of angry bees.

Why was there a shawarma scene in the Avengers?

While it took Marvel Studios extra work to add the shawarma post-credits scene for The Avengers, it’s ultimately worth it. As previously mentioned, it’s one of the best stingers they’ve had thus far as it simply showed the heroes eating and exhausted after battle.

What was the scene at the end of the Avengers?

MCU’s early end-credits scenes were used to tease of what lies ahead in the franchise, that’s until the bizarre yet fascinating one for The Avengers . Arguably one of the best stingers that the MCU has come up with thus far, the tag for the Joss Whedon 2012 film saw the original six heroes sit down together for a quiet meal.

Why was Captain America not eating in the Avengers?

They had to use thick prosthetics to cover up almost half of his lower face, leaving him unable to move it. This was the reason why Captain America wasn’t eating in the shawarma scene. While it took Marvel Studios extra work to add the shawarma post-credits scene for The Avengers, it’s ultimately worth it.

Why did Chris Evans cover his face during shawarma scene?

Robert Downey Jr. has just entered the room, and immediately begins mocking the prosthetic that Evans needed to hide his beard for the scene. (Evans also, you’ll notice, covers his face throughout that footage by resting his cheek against his hand.)