
Where are Malmark handbells made?

Where are Malmark handbells made?

Bucks County
For more than four decades, Malmark Bellcraftsmen, Inc. has been the world’s leading manufacturer of handbells, handchimes and accessories. And, they’re all being made right here in Bucks County.

How often should handbells be refurbished?

A church with only one adult bell choir using the bells once per week, keeping them well polished and adjusted, might need a Clean / Polish / Adjust and Voice every 5 years and a Reconditioning every 10 or 15 years.

What surface do handbells rest on?

Foam-layered tables allow handbell ringers to rest the bells on a smooth surface without chipping or damaging the bell – the foam also prevents unwanted extra “notes” each time a bell is set down.

Can handbells tune?

The note produced by a handbell depends on the size of the bell: the pitch of the bells can be fine-tuned by shaving the metal. A handbell group (known variously as a team, ensemble, choir or orchestra) will have a set of handbells covering all the notes over 2 or more octaves (including all the sharps and flats!).

What is a bell Tang?

A handbell is a bell designed to be rung by hand. An individual handbell can be used simply as a signal to catch people’s attention or summon them together, but handbells are also often heard in tuned sets.

What are Handchimes made of?

They are made of aluminum, creating a distinctly different timbre (sound quality) as compared to handbells. Handchimes were originally intended to be used as a training instrument for new ringers.

What companies manufacture handbells today?

Malmark, Inc. is the only company in the world dedicated solely to the manufacturing and distribution of Malmark handbells, Choirchime® Instruments and ringing accessories. Malmark is a leader in design and manufacturing innovations as we produce the largest range of handbells and handchimes in the world.

Why do you wear gloves to play handbells?

Handbell players wear gloves because their hand oils tarnish the bells. Handbells are remarkably fragile and may require reshaping if they are rung too forcibly.

What causes a bell to ring?

As the bell approaches the upright position, the clapper strikes the bell and makes the ring sound. So the bell moves, the clapper strikes the bell and some of the kinetic energy is transformed into sound. Sound is a form of energy produced by vibrations that travel through air and we are able to hear.